LGFV = Local Government Finance Vehicle
This is a bond issued by a PROVINCIAL government in China (like Sichuan, Tibet, Guangdong, etc)
So it is basically them taking out a loan. They are taking out a lot of these loans. Backed by land revenues and public assets to borrow money from banks or institutional investors.
Remarkably, we find that unlike our initial sample of bond issues, recent bond issues virtually all state explicitly in the prospectus that they carry no security. Thus, the popular image of local governments wildly overpromising with guarantees they are not legally empowered to give seems, at least as far as recent bond issues are concerned, to be wholly wrong. This in turn calls into question the figures commonly provided for local government debt, since they often include LGFV debt that local government is neither legally nor morally obligated to pay.
So what it sounds like, is that the local governments will default on their loans. But they won't actually have to pay anything, because the loans had no terms stating so. So what happens then?
I'm asking here because anything in the MSM has the "CHINA IS FINISHED FOR SURE THIS TIME" bias, which is really tiresome
np. Found this, seemslike a good article: https://investors-corner.bnpparibas-am.com/investing/chinas-local-government-debt/
key points:
It seems like the end result of all this, is just that it make China look MUCH healthier than other countries, by offloading the debt responsibility from the central to the local governments. But actually, China is just "as healthy" as other countries, debt-wise.
Neolibs also like screeching about the housing bubble, but that part just seems like a complete nothingburger. They have high down payment requirements, whereas the US was selling mortgages from literal hobos in 2008 (no offense to hobos).
Looked through Michael Roberts' blog and he has this prediction from 2018: