They're silly, folks. Intellectual property is a spook.

Under communism all software will be free to share, use, and modify without restriction.

This post inspired by the current Ruby mimemagic gem license drama.

In case you're not following:

  • mimemagic is a Ruby library (gem) used for detecting the MIME types of files, either by their extension or by their content
  • it's widely used and included in Rails
  • it was MIT licensed
  • it was using an xml file from freedesktop dot org, which is a GPL project
  • the GPL license means that every project that uses that software must also be GPL licensed - open-source, freely usable/modifiable/etc
  • someone from freedesktop pointed this out to the mimemagic maintainer
  • the maintainer republished the gem as GPL and yanked all the MIT licensed gems, breaking builds everywhere, and making rails currently uninstallable

I have a big headache because of ideology.

  • Gmaildotcom [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Intellectual property is the no 1 “it so obviously shouldn’t exist but go ahead and try telling that to an American-brained person” people sometimes nod along if you say “how can you OWN a piece of the earth??” Yet I should be jailed for trying to sell merch with Mickey Mouse on it, or downloading music that the artists barely get paid for anyway.

    Of course, the most important right of all is the right to make money, not the right to access resources. So beg for your insulin and penicillin you fucking peasant, and enjoy this deep fake commercial of bob Ross drinking a mtn dew.