archived link

    • D3FNC [any]
      8 months ago

      The word of the day is jihad

    8 months ago

    Reading the actual article instead of just the headline, here's a summary of their arguments. There are multiple powder keg situations around the world that are either exploding or simmering. Iran and its proxies, Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan. They could all turn into an interconnected war at any moment. Yet markets, which supposedly factor in these possibilities, are still very high.

    What this is not saying is that another world war would be secondary to investor yields. They make that explicit:

    This scenario would of course place financial damage a long way down the list of horrors.

    • ped_xing [he/him]
      8 months ago

      So the saving sentence is how far below where your average executive stopped reading?

  • Utter_Karate [he/him, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    It would mean permanent disruption of asset integrity, a new kind of revenue flow where the only thing that matters is your physical access to scarce freshwater, and adjusting to market conditions where you are being physically welded to the hood of a car owned by the warlord leader of a gang of what will be known as "mega cannibals".

    ...Just like I assume the article in The Economist says.

      8 months ago

      There is an archive link to the article. If you want to say something smart, read that. Otherwise, just assume that you're going to say something uninformed.

      • Utter_Karate [he/him, comrade/them]
        8 months ago

        If this is the kind of smart thing I'll be saying after reading the article I'll just assume that I'm going to say something uninformed, thank you very much. I would expect this kind of casual aggression from our future mega cannibal overlords that I am still sure the article speaks about at length, but not from a new internet friend and "thread buddy" like you.

  • GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
    8 months ago

    I don't have anything witty to say.

    Fuck the oinkers, everything the WASPs accuse the Jews of is a confession.

    8 months ago

    Website called "The Economist" talks about the economy. users: shocked-Pikachu-face

    • Orcocracy [comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      i was shocked when I found out that The New York Times wasn’t a clock and watch fan forum for New Yorkers.

    8 months ago

    Could financial markets once again be underpricing the risk of a global conflict? In the nightmare scenario, the descent into a third world war began two years ago, as Russian troops massed on the Ukrainian border.

    These idiots forgot Russia annexed Crimea a decade ago.