It’s really disappointing seeing someone getting upbears for saying that if you don’t read theory, you’re a counterrevolutionary liberal.

I can’t even get out of bed in the morning for like 3 hours, let alone make time in my day to read after the pile of stuff I have backed up that I need to do.

Am I the only one that feels this way?

  • ThatsNotPraxis [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Thanks for the resources, and while reading is indeed a problem, and audio books/TTS are great, the issue is a lot more nuanced than “just read something but in a different way.”

    Namely, I can’t even go through my day to day getting (like I mentioned) the basic tasks of human existence done. I can’t eat consistently, or make food when I want to eat, and that’s just one aspect.

    The other aspect is in that, even if I start a book, I just cannot will myself to read it. I mean it took me close to a year to read wage, labor and capital, because I’d read a paragraph and not pick it up for 6 weeks or something.

    So if I’m answering your potentially rhetorical question pointedly: the medium isn’t the problem (for me at least) the problem is in my general life and with being able to be consistent on any given task that doesn’t come with some mechanism of giving my brain dopamine at video game levels.

    • Ganonplorf [he/him,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      That is what I suspected from the little I know about ADHD. I hope you find a system that works for you :stalin-heart: