It’s really disappointing seeing someone getting upbears for saying that if you don’t read theory, you’re a counterrevolutionary liberal.

I can’t even get out of bed in the morning for like 3 hours, let alone make time in my day to read after the pile of stuff I have backed up that I need to do.

Am I the only one that feels this way?

    • posadist [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Listening to an audiobook achieves the same goal. Not everyone can read, hard disagree with that ableist shit.

      I have ADHD. I’m a university student who hasn’t read a single book since I was 12. Some people find it hard to, others have jobs and other responsibilities.

      Reading poorly translated written text from 100+ years ago, while very helpful, isn’t the only way to learn. I have listened to audiobooks of Marx and State and Revolution, I even uploaded it to mobilism and other piracy sites.

      You’re misusing that quote, nowhere did I say writing theory isn’t important for the movement. If anything I’d argue that even Graeber and Chomsky are just as important for modern socialists. The vast majority of people who died fighting for any working class revolution were illiterate.