Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Witcher 3, and Red Dead Redemption 2 are the ones that Immediately come to mind. I’m sure there’s more but those immediately flash out.

Also, Usually there would be Bethesda titles galore, but I feel like after Skyrim, their games have been just pretty good and not the masterpieces of western RPGS they were before.

So what comes to mind with you guys, what are your favorite games of the 8th console (or video games in general) generation?

  • Baar [he/him]
    4 years ago

    best way for me, personally, to waste free time? destiny 2. i started with the first game in like early high school so it's been a pretty constant thing for me, which helps my mental stress

    actual best game to me? maybe a tie between yakuza 0 and stardew valley - i started playing each one at different points during quarantine and literally couldn't do anything else for a few days because i felt so invested into their game systems/stories.