I'm told if I throw some flyers in front of the house letting the people living there know I intend to take it over, I'm cool right? Also I printed out some pamphlets my church recently put out that says the house at this very address is actually my birth-right, so if they try to put up a fuss I can just point out the relevant text. I am planning on going in armed, when can I shoot them if they refuse to leave? I really don't want to shoot kids but if their parents refuse to leave, they are using them as human shields and I can obliterate them, correct?
Thanks for the advice.
Violence is bad. You should make a peace offering and let them keep a closet.
But make sure it locks from the outside. And if there are any, like, bummer vibes coming from in there, fire humanitarian warning shots through the door.
Make sure you bring your deed that you got from a real estate agency that has nothing to do with the house or the people living in it.
I thought this was a reactionary anti anticommunist post about expropriation of housing but then i realized it's about
Pretty sure you have to bribe at least your local congressperson first