Since its tommorow, I thought I'd make this post before people think its a bit. My feelings are pretty mixed. It's a neat concept, but atleast In real life its really stressful not knowing if people are being sincere with me, as autism already has me second guessing how people are really treating me. In internet sites and media it's really fun though. Anyone else feel something similar?

  • Quimby [any, any]
    4 years ago

    Also mixed feelings. My dad is also on the spectrum (but doesn't know it) and for some reason, he ADORES it. Of course, being on the spectrum, he would get WAY too into it and come up with insanely elaborate pranks that sometimes took months of planning. But by the same token, that kind of makes me love it for his sake? Absent that, I'm not a fan, or wouldn't be a fan, pretty much for the reasons you mentioned. Having to second guess things or being tricked doesn't feel particularly great.