Hello, welcome back. The recommendation series continues. [Hexbear Recommends] is a way of connecting the userbase with the interests of their peers. It also a way for the creator to lengthen his ever expanding "to-read" list.

If I need to add a genre or period let me know. This series will eventually be canonized into the sidebar as a definitive recommendation list of all things C/Lit. Be sure to comment on past threads if you missed them. Input is never not needed.

Past threads:

Genres: Sci-Fi

Future threads:

Periods: Pre-1800, 1800s, 1900-50, 1951-99, 2000-20, 2021

Genres: Children's, Comedy, Coming of age, Folklore, Historical, LGBT, BIPOC Related, Philosophy, Pop Culture, Religious, Thriller, Western, Young Adult, Action, Adventure, Survival, Crime, Mystery, Fantasy, Romance, Horror, Light Novel, Biography, Travel, Historical, Propaganda, Philosophy, Political Theory, Poetry, Plays, Manga, Speculative Fiction, Sports, and Miscellaneous

  • sonartaxlaw [undecided,he/him]
    3 years ago

    I can recommend a lot of webcomics, Gunnerkreigg Court (the art gets better) and Scary go Round (which I think is based, but I'm not sure) are both amazing in my favorite genre of British kids in a magical realist world and Nimona is a cool fantasy story by Noelle Stevenson (the runer of the new She Ra)

    • RedCoat [he/him]
      3 years ago

      "Stand Still. Stay Silent" is a great webcomic to check out for amazing art, the story is also an interesting blending of post apocalypse body horror and Nordic mythology