I've just been gifted a copy of The State and Revolution published by Penguin classics which includes an introduction of 52 pages, Lenin's writings total 110 pages, written by Robert Service. Robert is introduced as a professor of Russian history at the university of London and his preamble to the book is a summation of Lenin's life and the context in which he wrote S&R. It also includes entire paragraphs describing how Lenin was basically wrong in every aspect and a man who desired dictorial power for himself. A quick google search of Robert Service and I immediately stumble upon some articles where other researchers denounce him as a an unreliable quack whose more recent work consists of him downplaying the atrocities of the Nazi regime together with some German fellow named Jörg Baberowski. Jörg appears to be a Nazi.

Pure ideology🗑️ .

  • CptKrkIsClmbngThMntn [any]
    3 years ago

    Robert Service (historian)


    Robert Service (poet)


    Folks I think it's time we cremated Sam McGee.