    11 months ago

    It's interesting how we talk about 100 billion dollars as if they came out of thin air and go back to thin air, in common parlance. Whose pockets did all this "aid" end up in? Without even looking it up I can pretty much say a lot of it went back to the congressmen who voted for it, now they realize giving more to Ukraine is not wise as Ukraine has all but lost.

      11 months ago

      I suppose technically it does come out of thin air, according to modern monetary theory. And yeah, those congress people would definitely getting a bunch of it back because they own tons of stock those companies that benefit from the aid packages.

      They always print money for military spending (Of course, the term "foreign aid" sounds better, but that's a load of shit). But they couldn't even fathom printing a dollar for anybody's college tuition. Not to mention college used to be free (or extremely cheap) in the U$A. But it's been a long time since that was true.

      11 months ago

      A bunch of it will ultimately go to Blackrock. Another chunk to the murder machines industry. If any of it is actually spent abroad and not just used to send domestic weapons and other goods away, those dollars will cycle back and fund next year's budget deficit.