yeah i dunno, after watching that i'm feeling like vr just isn't where it should be for me to get enjoyment out of it quite yet. basically having to wear headphones and hold controllers sounds horrible. if it were gloves and the audio was built in and the view went beyond your bounds on an affordable system they might have something, but until then that seems like a nightmare
if they made this game in vr and made vr cheap i think that would be a cool experience
VR can be cheap. You don't need there best of the best from what I understand.
yeah i dunno, after watching that i'm feeling like vr just isn't where it should be for me to get enjoyment out of it quite yet. basically having to wear headphones and hold controllers sounds horrible. if it were gloves and the audio was built in and the view went beyond your bounds on an affordable system they might have something, but until then that seems like a nightmare