Got back into reading fiction again and I love it. Just finished The Martian, and while it was enjoyable there's some lib shit in there that annoyed the fuck out of me. I mainly enjoyed it because I'm a physicist, so I could understand all of the (mostly correct) science and how decisions were being made, and why some of them were so cool. If anyone has any recommendations for more hard Sci-fi (or from any other genres) I might enjoy, either without or with absolutely minimal lib shit, I'd be v v v grateful.

Thanks chapos! :ancom-heart:

  • duderium [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I have a hard SF trilogy in the works at the moment. It’s sort of like: imagine if Star Trek: Enterprise didn’t suck and was way more communist. The first book is done. Anyone who wants an .epub or .mobi can message me and I’ll give you a dropbox link.

    The trilogy is actually going to be published by a small publisher at some point in the next year or so and I wanted to tell people about it here when it happens if it’s okay. I’ll probably just say people can get the books from me for free if they want, but that if they have the funds they should support the publisher.