10x2inchportable00 [it/its]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2021


  • The best advice I think to give during this time is not to overthink this and not to focus on the fact you’ve relapsed. That’s why they always say “take it one step at a time” because shit happens and one day might not feel so great, taking each day at a time helps you focus on yourself and gives you some semblance of control, don’t be too hard on yourself.

    Take today as a lesson and don’t think about it. Don’t think that it’s okay to carry on because you relapsed. 37 days is a full month and a week, that’s a full month and a week without your addiction and you still made it. You can do it again and again until it won’t consume your mind anymore. If AA isn’t your thing then at least talk to someone who is supportive like a family member or close friends. It’s okay to reach out during hard times like these and most people will want to help you.

    All the best comrade