There's a discord? Is it still active?
Looks like there's a pdf version up here if anyone needs it
Oh I'd be interested!
I think the best way is to look through a deck of tarot cards. This site is decent. Just go through, look at the illustrations, and think about what message it feels like the images are conveying. After you have an idea in your head, compare it to the explanation they've got there. You can go with the meaning you've thought of, replace it with an interpretation you read somewhere, or combine a bunch. They're just cards without inherent meaning, so just do whatever feels right. If you feel like you're getting some value out of that, then maybe buy a deck.
I think the best way is to look through a deck of tarot cards. This site is decent. Just go through, look at the illustrations, and think about what message it feels like the images are conveying. After you have an idea in your head, compare it to the explanation they've got there. You can go with the meaning you've thought of, replace it with an interpretation you read somewhere, or combine a bunch. They're just cards without inherent meaning, so just do whatever feels right. If you feel like you're getting some value out of that, then maybe buy a deck.
I do secular tarot, meaning I believe tarot is just a bunch of cards that can be useful as a psychological tool, so i'm interested to see what your perspective on it is. Do you think I'm missing out on anything by not having any metaphysical/spiritual beliefs about the cards? If you yourself do, how do you justify them, and do you think they make tarot more effective for you?
Von lettow-vorbeck indiscriminately stole from civilians wherever he went and caused famines. led to the deaths of thousands of random africans
I'll post the slideshow once I get home
I still have the slideshow but it's kinda just bunch of quotes and stock photos. my notes were on index cards unfortunately
What, you don't like justice and development? everyone likes justice and development. only better party is iyi party
Oh, I just posted this in c/marxism but this thread seems like a better fit:
A year ago I had the opportunity to give a 30 minute presentation on something of my choice to my housemates (a couple dozen people). I decided to do a brief explanation of Marx’s view of capitalism. Mostly I just ran through Capital but I also talked about how Marx’s observations are all still true, his predictions have been proved right, and his theories are still relevant today. Also a bit on how trying to solve the problem of automation without Marxism is a fools errand. It was pretty dense and boring, but today someone who was there told me that my mini-lecture convinced her to read a bunch of theory and she’s a Marxist now. So it had an effect on one person at least.
In summary, dress like lorne malvo
That's impressive! I forgot nanowrimo was happening until a few days ago, but I'm writing at the same slow pace that I've been for a while.
uhh montevideo, belmopan, bangui
those were legitimately the first cities that popped into my head lmao