Bazguy [none/use name]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • Kind of a bizarre question but fuck its Friday and im bored. Serious Evangelion spoilers below, possibly other nerd shit.

    So it's been a minute since I've seen all of Evangelion, but I'm familiar enough with Anno's own history and past works to have a somewhat conflicted reading based on what I've remembered about the end. So I always remember hearing before watching it that the endings of Evangelion are pretty strictly anti-collectivist as a lot of the series seems to reject the notion that you can't really ever truly connect with another person and that a forced connection to people that sacrifice people's individuality is a world with no meaning and thus Shinji embraces individuality in order to stop Instrumentality. One particular article I've read, which I don't particularly agree with but I find interesting in its subject matter, discusses the Denpa phenomena in both otaku and their culture. Namely how japanese work culture, a country that is largely low-crime and industrious, has created a particular subset of people who have become intensely socially isolated and have fallen down into extremely dark and isolating rabbit holes that occasionally just explode into intense violence. Denpa is a type of horror sub-genre that trys to capture this extreme pseudo-psychosis caused by social isolation mixing with obsessive otaku culture and trys to commit in ways to diffuse it and Evangelion is generally considered to be the seminal work for it. However from my semi-limited experience with other Denpa, especially in the last year, while a lot of is genuinely trying to diffuse harmful attitudes in otaku particularly misogyny, a lot of it just re-establishes intensely misanthropic internalizations of human interactions and how one relates to the world. Which turns my attention to Evangelion because I do sort of understand how one can come to that conclusion. Keeping in mind Anno was SEVERELY depressed during its production, is an infamously introverted otaku, and some of his earlier works have like weird nationalistic undertones you can read into. But as a socialist seeing the world as portrayed in Eva, how characters often fail to relate to each other in meaningful ways out of fear of rejection rather than an intrinsic futility, and what exactly Instrumentality really is which is just force mashing everybodys consciousness together rather than what anybody would really call collectivism, I've never really seen the ending as being extremely individualistic. But again, how much is just me properly seeing an answer to the problem Anno was describing and the different conclusion he came to?

    Here's the article btw, interesting culture read anyways even if i don't particularly agree with how a lot of the art is portrayed. Namely one of the vns below Subahibi, while definitely very intriguing in some rights, also just embraces incredibly nihilistic views on humanity and despite the main villain being deeply misogynistic in a way thats meant to be critical of otaku, the actual story itself is inadvertently pretty sexist in my opinion.

    Anyways why did i write this

  • Bazguy [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Oh I agree, like I'm not saying this at all as an excuse to go out to brunch once Trump's outta there cause of course reactionary dipshits on or offline aren't really the problem. But GOD I'm sick of seeing these people everywhere. Political discussion is definitely going to get stupider and overall more casually right-leaning as Biden oversees the further collapse but I'll at least take completely ignorant dipshits checking out once their god's 10 feet under.

  • Bazguy [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    So this is like peak internet brain but fuck it, what's the over-under on the internet getting any more tolerable once Trump's outta there? Obviously this doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things given the direction everythings taking but I'll at least take comfort in chuds crawling back into floorboards.

  • Bazguy [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    So the one place i like to hang around sometimes on reddit anymore r/sbfp, a place thats moderately progressive depending on what time you log on, is just posting excessive extreeeeemely racist anti-china shit because nobody even bothered to fucking read about how this stupid hololive shit with taiwan even happened. God just fucking kill me, I hate this country. Imagine unironically calling China the modern day Nazi Germany when you're talking about FUCKING TAIWAN.

  • Bazguy [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I'm not at all versed in music theory, especially of African and Native American music of the 19th century, but his 9th symphony "The New World" is where he implemented most of the ideas he got living in the US.

  • Bazguy [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Getting more and more into classical music since I started piano again. Especially really like Dvorak, Chopin and Satie. Dont know much about Hungarian-Nationalism of the 19th century lol and what kind of influence it ended up having but Dvorak being incredibly interested in Native-American and African-American music and incorporating it into his own is incredibly interesting to me.

  • Bazguy [none/use name]tomaincrabs out, folks
    4 years ago

    lol this dude who was suspected of drug trafficking earlier this year, and who last i checked was in police custody just randomly found dead in Mexico, lol sus af. BTW fun fact, a meth lab that was conveniently located basically right behind my local police station in the same city fucking exploded earlier this year

  • Bazguy [none/use name]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Just reading through the House in Fata Morgana. Very great tonal vn and not obnoxiously overbearing like a lot of other grimdark vns are to me. Might log back into FF14 to finish gearing up my SAM for the new raid but I don't think Im going to bother trying to pug E8S with randos again. Tried to play ffxv since i never got around to it and oh boy I don't like how that game feels, might give it another try or just drop and go straight to FF7R. Excited for the ps4 state of play, hopefully its not nothing.

  • Bazguy [none/use name]togames*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Enjoying Fata Morgana pretty thoroughly since I started a few days ago. First VN im going to complete since I got burned out by Subahibi a year or so ago then I might cross over into Kara no Shojo since that has a killer aesthetic and OST as well. Fata Morgana besides just having somewhat comparable music has a somewhat comparable tone to Yoko Taro's games which similarly have burnt me out on games but for completely different reasons.

  • Nier is my go to slug answer. Incredibly unique sound, but I have been playing through the visual novel Fata Morgana rn and it has a similar kind of aesthetic and it kicks ass. Utterly fantastic tone My other go to answer of course would be SotC and its very funny listening to it by itself that's obviously composed by somebody who composed for Gundam. Another vn I don't really like but I do think is a very interesting playthrough and has a few great emotional tracks as well

  • Bazguy [none/use name]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Of course material conditions lead to the rise of deeply reactionary sentiment in a society, but it still fills me with bizarre dread seeing people around my age who invest themselves in any part of pop culture of the last 20 years be just openly fascist. Like remember all these freaks your entire life have told you all of the stuff you enjoy is degenerate and how you're personally responsible for the degradation of society, yeah lets jump on that train.