COMPUTERS69 [he/him,they/them]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2020


  • The last time we saw what we call 'wolverine inflation'

    No one is calling it that, Smead. Just you. It's a made up term that you're trying to make happen for like the past year. Based on 2 pages of Google results and the only time it is used coming from you.

    What an absolutely pathetic dipshit. It's the capitalist version of trying to make "fetch" happen.

  • COMPUTERS69 [he/him,they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Thanks, but I'm going to talk myself out of this compliment.

    I've known his family through his daughter for a decade, and if they fired me good luck finding someone who can understand this environment for table scraps (everyone is either on furlough or partial unemployment). So basically a near no risk pop off lol.

    But thank you, I'm still slightly surprised/pleased I did it.

  • COMPUTERS69 [he/him,they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Dear diary,

    I think I made my boss mad this morning. He brought up the debate. Said he didnt watch it, but wanted to talk about it. Conversation hit to the DNC being extreme, and I went mask off, finally after years.

    Background, I live in a highly conservative/fascist area, it's a militray town in the south east and boss is proud catholic air force retiree. I began to drag the american right as being out of touch with the world. He threw the " so I'm out of touch" line, and said yes with no hesitation. My dragging of everything right of center, including the center itself, most likely of earshot of clients for an event continued. We went separate ways and he hasnt talked to me since, going by my office multiple times.

    Damn it felt good to finally say something, and not play route the conversation game.

    I hope everyone has a great/safe weekend :)

    Edit: I'm a coward so this is a big deal for me lol

  • COMPUTERS69 [he/him,they/them]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Currently furloughed (not by much but never experienced it before). Job may completely shutter by end of year. Should be able to weather that storm, unless I get covid.

    Mental health? Much better once I got prescribed medication two years ago.

    Any improvement is not due to trump. Eat shit. Also fuck you too Kemp.