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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2020


  • Something which notifies you whenever a new comment or reply is made to a selected post/comment, so that you can keep track of any new conversation.

    Something like this would be awesome as a core Lemmy feature IMO. It would essentially turn a post (or maybe any comment tree?) into a matrix style room. Lemmy is actually decent for long term discussion (e.g. helping someone with a problem), but not if there are more than two people involved.

  • If you stop shipping autotools generated artefacts in your tarballs, things will be a lot simpler.

    Weirdly enough the malicious code does look eerily similar to the benign code, because both are unnecessarily obfuscated.

    This is not a human written or readable file you're talking about. It's a generated script.

  • For 2d stuff my limit for non-nostalgic enjoyment is probably around:

    • super Mario world
    • Zelda LTTP
    • ultima 7
    • xcom

    Stuff like that holds up pretty well IMO.

    I agree with others about early 3d stuff being harder. Bad 3d physics especially drives me nuts. Carmageddon is the first game I remember with tolerable 3d physics, but I don't think it was until around Halo that games were consistently getting it right.

  • There's a couple of ways I could imagine debugging this.

    One would be to disassemble MapEngine.MapsContainer.IsExists and see why it would throw that exception. It's quite strange because it should act like it's running on windows.

    The other would be to enable WINEDBG stuff or possibly use strace to figure out what it did before throwing that exception.

    Have you tried 32-bit wine?

  • It is a slow, steady progression, with CROOKED, Radical Left Politicians, Prosecutors, and Judges leading us down a path to destruction. Open Borders, Rigged Elections, and Grossly Unfair Courtroom Decisions are DESTROYING AMERICA. WE ARE A NATION IN DECLINE, A FAILING NATION! MAGA2024

    I think this is the most correct Trump has ever been. You just have to make a couple of small edits, and completely disregard his intended targets.

  • https://codeberg.org/ncc1988/friclicli

    It's this, right?

    I'd look for something in simple nixpkgs that uses curses and cmake, and base a new nix derivation on that.

    You can also just bring in the dependencies to a nix shell and build it normally according to the readme.

    I'll try to give you some examples next time I'm at my dev machine.

  • It's all reasonable stuff except maybe:

    People’s names are all mapped in Unicode code points.

    I don't see how you could avoid this this in software that needs to ask the user their name.

    I think it's definitely a good idea to avoid using names wherever possible, and definitely don't try to do anything clever with them.

    When necessary, software can just be clear:

    • "in unicode, what should I call you?"
    • "in unicode, who is making this credit card transaction?'

  • I want to have a better idea for much time is spend on ‘management’; fix, extend and/or automate etc.

    Not that much really. I usually upgrade everything once a month or so. The last couple of times were smooth. I think the last problem I hit was:


    This was actually triggered by upgrading omnisharp, which started sending a new notification that lsp-mode didn't explicitly ignore.

    By the time I hit it, that issue had already been reported, so I was able to quickly work around it with a snippet in my main config. I could have also just rolled back omnisharp.

    Most problems I've had have been solved by upgrading spacemacs to latest.

  • I assume this is due to the amount of effort that would have been required for it to acquire some of the functionality you were expecting out of it. Am I right?

    I didn't really understand what Emacs was at the time, I just got fed up with trying to make vim into an IDE. Out of the box, spacemacs had good language support, modal editing, and looked 'modern'.

    What I love about Emacs now is Lisp and the package ecosystem. I have 396 packages installed, and many of them interact in quite complex ways. When I do a package upgrade it pretty much pulls the latest from the development branch of each package. Some packages haven't been changed in 10 years, some are changed daily. It's bleeding edge everything, and things don't actually break that much. Lisp makes for (obviously IMO) beautiful, simple code, so most packages are a pleasure to fix, extend, or automate.

    I intend to put my teeth in GNU Guix at some point in the future.

    Me too, but I nix has served me well, so I haven't been motivated.