• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I agree 2 wks to 2 months was the toughest. I associated drinking with certain activities, and it was weird to do those without drinking. Then, other things i thought would be hard, weren't. Like parties, family gatherings etc. Thought everyone would say, "hey wheres your drink!". I think in retrospect i was the only one saying that shit.

    I got pretty good at dealing with hangovers. I have an iron stomach and had a pretty good routine before bed and the next morning to get over it all as fast as possible. Guess that was sign enough it was time to stop.

  • I used it as fuel to make positive changes in my life. Not just breakups, but any time life throws something really awful my way, I try to make an effort to use it as a force good. Breakups, deaths, job loss, etc. Be a better you, quit smoking, get fit, learn a new skill. Things I normally wouldn't be motivated to follow through, i do.

    Sorry you're going through this. Try to remember that it will get easier in time. Accept it wasn't meant to be, and know there's a version of you in the future, looking back at this knowing it was all worth it to find the person right for you.

  • Thank you! I'm a new user to linux. Went through 4 distros this month until this one, that doesn't seem janky and runs my games at a decent FPS. Having to reconfigure my monitors each reboot was a dealbreaker for me. Your simple instructions worked flawlessly, and i've had 3 reboots without having to change my settings.

    I'm not sure if linux is my new forever home yet, but this definitely helps!