Genuinely my dream goal, trynna start that at age 30
Midsommar is about fascism. The horror is that when rebuilding ourselves from traumatic loss/ grief, one way people heal is to become part of a fascist group. The “other culture” is a mishmash of various European and Scandinavian cultures probably because they most easily symbolize a collective idea of people who could potentially be fascists without outright being nazis in uniform.
Practicing social worker here; I’d recommend looking into local agencies or therapeutic grad programs as many offer low cost treatment. If you’re uninsured they often have very low rates or at no coast (assuming you lack insurance). In the field (social work) we’re encouraged to offer sliding scale, or even free treatment if able. Help is out there and it’s worth the time, money, and effort if you find a solid clinician.
One of the most bizarre, disturbing movies I've ever seen. It's amazing though, one almost has to surrender themself to Lynch's stream of consciousness in the viewing process. The ending credits are great, the scene where
Laura Dern slowly walks towards the camera
scares me to this day.