Daireon [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2020


  • Daireon [he/him]tocovidSure, why not.
    2 years ago

    I was wondering when the VA dems would betray me! They had been doing a pretty good job in the senate keeping most of the insane anti-book laws from passing but there it is.

  • I think it really depends on where you live. Without doxing myself I am a communist elementary school Librarian in VA. I have gotten away with teaching Nelson Mandela, Labor Day, and having several books which explicitly stated the phrase and ideology behind Black lives Matter and only gotten 1 complaint which did not lead to the formal process. In my experience (of the two schools I have worked at both in different fairly reactionary areas of the state) most principals will be white libs with a masters of education degree who as long as they stand by you you can withstand most complaints about your teaching (as long as it doesn't make the news). I have straight up told my current principal that I am a left wing ideologue when it comes to not banning books and teaching inclusion and that I need her support which she has given me.

    However with the incoming governor and the current dialogue about "CRT" more chuds are starting to show up at school board meetings and I think you will see that across the board. Parents are demanding in my school system that "any teaching that America is an explicitly racist state and that capitalism is inherently racist" be banned. The other librarians at nearby schools are all rad libs and in a tizzy about it. If it comes out you are a communist it would be fairly easy to throw you under the bus and gets some cheap points with the squealing hogs. If you don't have your principal's support you are pretty much FUBAR.

    My advice for that is while interviewing I tell stories about standing up against CHUD parents and watch their reactions and see how they take it. If there is hesitancy or negative follow up questions I don't think I would take that specific job and there is such a huge teacher shortage you can probably get a job elsewhere.