Emme [she/her]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2020


  • Emme [she/her]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I am very pleased to say that I have finally fulfilled my childhood dream of performing ballet in space. Y'all are invited to the opening of my rendition of The Dying Swan which will take place in approximately 38 minutes (Transportation not provided).

  • Emme [she/her]tomainWe gonna get the UFOs finally
    4 years ago

    QAnon is wild. I have an uncle who was on the edge of sovcit territory when I was growing up. He taught me how to use a gun and drive before I was 10 lmao. I'm not gonna lie -- I thought he was so cool when I was young. But when I got older it became more and more apparent that he had a lot of mental health issues (and was super racist). Funny enough, trying to push back against some of his conspiracy theories when I was old enough to understand what they meant was what led me towards leftism. But QAnon? It has completely taken him over. I told him that I thought the movement was misguided and not based in reality. He told me that he hated me for my complicity. So. I'm not giving up on talking to him about it (because there is literally no one else who will) but goddamn does it suck.

  • Nah, we're pretty sure my roommate was also dosed -- but he was *also * super drunk and wound up passed out at a mutual friend's apartment down the block when he couldn't find me for a ride home. He was the one who called my other roommates in the morning saying I was missing -- hence the search party. We both ended up in therapy afterwards -- he felt pretty guilty even though he can't remember that night either.

  • I was roofied in a bar when I was in my early 20s.

    One moment I was drinking soda (sober driver) and talking to my roommate about setting up a larger compost system in our backyard

    and BOOM

    next thing I know I wake up slumped under a tree about 15 miles outside of town.

    Literally no memories of that time period. Even the parts of the day after waking up are spotty. Sorta glad though. Shit was fucked.

    I managed to hitch a ride back to my neighborhood to find one of my roommates had roped his entire engineering fraternity into forming a search party. Apparently when they went to file a missing persons report with the police the officer on duty told them it wasn't uncommon for young people to hook up at a bar without telling friends -- and that they could only file a report after 24 hours. So. ACAB.