ErasingTransPeopleIs [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2020


  • So if you have no evidence whatsover that they were "a brigade of cis people", and your response depends on the assumption that they were "a brigade of cis people", doesn't that make your response complete shit?

    And wouldn't it be really fucking bad of you to misgender someone by calling them "a brigade of cis people" if they aren't, in fact, cis? Why would you risk doing that if your concern for the feelings of trans people was genuine?

    And what exactly does "non-community" mean if they had accounts, previous posting history and you have no evidence that they weren't trans themselves? Does "non-community" just mean "you, personally, don't like them"?

  • I was following that thread and saw nothing that was outright transphobia. I saw people telling rachel they supported her, I saw people arguing about quotation marks, and people accusing each other of being overly aggressive. None of those meets the definition of transphobia.

    What, exactly, met your definition of transphobia. Unless, of course, you are intentionally appropriating that word to mean "anyone I want to ban at any moment for reasons I can't say out loud".

    Any quotes? Any slurs? Any references to biological determinism or transmedicalism or how gender norms should be maintained? Anything?

  • I was lurking here for about a month. This struggle session made me suspicious, and the wave of bans for nothing encouraged me to make this account to express my opinion.

    I'll be leaving after this, because I'm already getting downvoted for saying that chasing potential allies to /r/stupidpol is bad. Any community who thinks it's funny to chase people into the arms of transphobes and bigots is no community for me. Bye.

  • Also pointing out that if this overzealous, petty shit resulted in even one person fucking off to /r/stupidpol like some people here clearly want them to (some people here literally saying "fuck off to /r/stupidpol" as if that's somehow a victory), then this has has contributed dont more to help the TERF and nazbol movements than it has to building leftist movements.

    But the mods here clearly don't care about that. They're insulated from whatver might come from those reactionary tendencies being reinforced by this shit.