why the fuck has this entire thread just been my normal stream of consciousness downtown?
I've had to learn the above the hard way, I live in the ghetto. You'll be a target just for having a clean car.
in this house we stomp boots
as someone who put down pipes yesterday, lol we gonna take our time
immediately fucking up on first post is how I know im still me
Baseball is a boring sport and they deserved it for not liking the gators and being a tigers fan
I thought it was Florida
edible green body paint
Make two of them and put some stick figure and then a stick figure wearing a dress on each door
we are sickos dude lel imagine how fucked up we got those mormon psychos
haha hey fbi agent :^^^^^)
because that's what happens when you get a bunch of bored mexican contractors drunk
we send people to the moon
thats what the mexicans and everyone else call the backlot at work lmao
step 1: acquire your "fuel" (modelo or corona beer)
step 2: wait for the day when fresh porta potties come in
step 3: find your "astronaut"
step 4: gather local workers and haze your astronaut into getting drunk
step 5: put your porta potty over a hill and strap as many bunjie cords as you possibly can
step 6: get your astronaut into the "shuttle" and make sure they have a hard hat
steo 7: tanto tiempo perra jajajajajaja
my producer name is gonna be penis beats
Trump but he's a protagonist in a rejected action movie script