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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Why is not being alone in the universe a bad thing though?

    I actually get a great deal of comfort from the thought that us and our silly little squabbles are so inconsequential to the universe at large. That some alien species we can't even begin to imagine is just doing the same shit we are 800 billion light years away. Makes me feel like maybe getting up for work in the morning ain't so bad when you consider the scale

  • just to make one of the powers you get later seem more useful

    I want moder power to be useful so fucking bad dude. Last time I played I tried living on a little island that I terraformed into a small fort that rises out of the water, my only way to come or go with ore was by boat and I STILL never used it.

    Despite being in literally the most optimal use case for having it that power just feels so lack luster. It would be wayyyyy better if it was just like a passive effect that made RNG better or half cool down or something. As it is I'd rather just use bonemass or Deer since they are more universally applicable