Yeah Snowpiercer was great
Yeah Snowpiercer was great
The American Conservative?
More like The American Nonce
Can't even smile proper GETOUTTAHEEEEEE
No shut up then answer is Star War
Not really my speed, however I have been eyeing up resin miniature busts. They tend to be a bigger scale than minis but still have a whole lot of different aesthetics and characters
Marxism is when you piss sitting down and shit standing up.
I'm on the opposite end. I want to paint shit and playing is a secondary thing.
That said, I am looking forward to trying out GW's Warcry after painting it up over lockdown.
The hand painting is the best part!
Trad caths? More like nonces.
Eh sounds like a strawman
I agree with this very hard.
I extend my frill and syphon moisture from the air.
Translation : the only woman on the pod