• 28 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • The issue with “bashing” is that it’s very hard to ensure instantaneous death with blunt force.

    But does it have to be instantaneous to be humane? I am assuming people beat the shit out of them here and not just hit it once and walk off. Can you think of any other pest where we just hit it once and leave it there to die slowly? It's normal to just kill things as quickly as possible so you can remove them as quickly as possible.

    Also I don’t think toads have much going on upstairs, so it’s not like they’re in the fridge having an existential crisis wondering what happens next, is there a god, am I going to heaven, etc. They’re just sitting there in the quiet thinking about literally nothing

    I'm not convinced that's true either. You're telling me an animal that has just been captured by a predator and placed in an unfamiliar environment with no means of escape isn't stressed at all? Again, this sounds like humans are just projecting whatever makes them feel better rather than accepting reality. I would rather live in reality and beat the shit out of the toad than the fantasy land where is just chilling in it's happy place and peacefully falling asleep like someone's great-grandma.

  • The cool-and-freeze method involves placing cane toads in a fridge for 24 hours, which puts them in a state of torpor, before transferring them to the freezer to finish them off.

    She said this was more humane than other methods of killing cane toads, such as bashing them with cricket bats or crushing them under cars.

    Is it actually, though? A short, painful death via squashing or bashing seems a lot more humane to me than a 24 hours trapped in a plastic bag in a fridge. Is the definition of "humane" now just "whatever makes me feel less guilty"?

  • Or that Google is completely gamed by SEO “experts” who spam fake reviews for cents and thus make Google Reviews completely bollocks by overpowering any genuine reviews with paid glowing testimonials?

    It's 100% this, fake reviews are everywhere online but particularly on Google Maps. There's an excellent YouTube channel called 'Fake Review Watch' that is dedicated to tracking and reporting suspicious review behaviour across many different platforms. Companies from all around the world will pay the same third party to generate fake reviews for them, so you end up with these very traceable patterns of Google users reviewing the same US West Coast dentist, Central US hardware store and Melbourne hairdresser or something along those lines. It's quite funny how blatant it is.

  • I think the ones we get are primarily made out of konjac. A lot of these vegan seafood products use seaweed for flavouring so that might be in there too. They honestly taste very good and have a great meaty texture. Denser and more consistent than real prawns, with a stronger flavour. I usually steal some when the vegans are finished cause I like them so much.

  • One side of my family always does a traditional lunch. We have a prawn entree with a family recipe seafood sauce, followed by a big roast turkey with roast vegetables and gravy, then pudding and custard for dessert. The last few years I've been making eggnog for post-lunch. We have a few vegans so always do vegan prawns and vegan roast too.

    The other side has more experimental cooks on it and they usually like to do something different each year. Last year we had a prawn and feta bake, moussaka and some kind of salad or vegetable dish. One of the vegans brought homemade mac and cheese too, then we finished off with pudding and custard for dessert.