Biden will still be class conscious even when his brain has been fully replaced with brine and plaque
Biden will still be class conscious even when his brain has been fully replaced with brine and plaque
What about disabled people?
I have a processing delay that makes operating a car feel way too abrupt and terrifying to me, so I've never had a license, I have always biked and bused. Not that I have ever been able to afford a car, I would be terribly vulnerable in a place where you absolutely need one. A cluster of hidden disabilities that make exploiting your labor unprofitable by a thousand cuts has a special sort of stigma attached to it, and it's a special sort of mindfuck to gradually break free of the cloud of eugenicist denial you were raised under and see it for what it is.
Also useful for pondering delightfully devilish luncheon substitutions
Rumors circulate that regulators may put a stop to beanis in an unspecified way at an unspecified time (this is not financial advice)
I wonder if that isn't a privilege of hegemony. The US has had a lot of freedom to spin its failings as it pleases because there is so little penetration of foreign narratives there (inoffensive puppets and vassals not included) to compete, whereas 'rogue' countries can have a colour revolution on their hands if they aren't extra careful how they spin their affairs. It's understandable if disappointing if they conclude silence is best on certain matters.
I have the impression that currently China's narrative control is less vulnerable than in the past, but still vulnerable, and that the US bubble is less impervious than in the past, but still intact. It would make sense to me, given that history and backdrop, that Chinese narrative managers would be getting comfortable with their growing range of motion slowly and carefully.
global village"
I remember that phrase being used to describe the web in the '90s
I'm old enough to remember when cell phones were a toy of the rich and were appropriately considered an embarrassing intrusion into life, and I remember later watching in horror as iOS consistently broke in the direction of infantilization, walled garden, and snitching; and the further horror of competitors mimicking rather than contrasting with these practices. Up until then, the overwhelming tendency had been to expand the capabilities of computers (from the user's perspective). It's not as if portable miniature computer/tranceivers have to be done this badly.
El problema es el capitalismo
And the writers who killed K'Ehleyr. She was so cool
They're fully loafers
That may be the eugenicists' intent, but the immune damage gradually makes everyone into the vulnerable
Literally every traditional tale demonstrates that if an animal talks to you, defying their advice is the fastest way to walk right into the curse. However counterintuitive it is at first, it's best to just heed the counsel of birds and beasts.
You know, these steamed hams resemble the ones they have in Utica
By the power of Juche necromancy, I have come to 1953 to expropriate the remaining years of Khrushchev's life and add them to yours, Comrade Stalin
So that I may finally retire and enjoy myself, right?
So that I may finally retire and enjoy myself right?
For me it isn't