Imnecomrade - pronounced "I am any comrade"
Techie, hippie, commie nerd
Their model: DIVIDE & CONQUER
That's not even the worst given their history with endorsing a torture center that incorrectly applied electroshock therapy (and many other horrific practices) which resulted in at least 6 autistic students being tortured and electrocuted to death. (CW: torture/murder)
Also I don't endorse engaging in illuminaughtii's platform, but this is the video I watched in the past and not sure if there are alternative sources that describe this in detail, though the video has a list of sources:
Emoji origin:
Oops, looks like someone mentioned it.
Here's a direct link just to make things easier:
There's various clipart links with this image, so I am not sure which one is the original source, but here's one of them:
elementary schools
shows thumbnail of middle/high school age kids
The video mentions the primary school contains students from 1st to 8th grade, and then says 13-14 year olds arm themselves in gym, so maybe it is exclusive to the students in their last year of primary school.
The children yearn for the trenches.
Less JPEG:
binge learning
Huh, there's a phrase that describes what I do at night.
At least he still has his cute toe beanis
All I have to do on NewPipe is add as a PeerTube instance and I have all of the same functions as you mentioned.
Ok, nvm. NewPipe with PeerTube is buggy, too (specifically the TankieTube instance). It doesn't play sound if you play the video but it plays when you listen by playing in the background, which is due TankieTube separating audio files.
The manifesto is ~1471 characters. If a tweet is 280 characters max, it would take at least 6 tweets to post the manifesto.
Who would have the gall to do this? Killing is scawy. I'm fucking shaking.
The Super Mario 64 DS minigames were so fun. I wish I never lost my DS and all of my games and equipment.
Is my ADHD giving me some time dilation experience with this particular song?
listens to the song on repeat
Great now I have the brainworm.
All-Purpose Beanis Flour
Beanis is very versatile and reliable. What would we do without our beloved Beanis?
The Primeagen is a liberal techbro. Rather in this case is said in the fashion of getting a root canal instead of something much more painful.
I guess not the official list, but from the No Thanks app, there's this info regarding Coca-Cola:
Most corporations, especially due to being owned by very large monopolies, have direct or indirect support for Israel. Nearly every western product has ties to Israel, thus I suggest buying things used, second hand, local, or find diy solutions.
Exactly, though I just find the tech and concept involved in generating an interactable "movie" of a game interesting. It's a very trippy experience. I honestly don't know how the tech would be useful beyond making slop or to play as a toy, even if state tracking was implemented.
We can't really create anything new if we primarily use AI that depends on human civilization's work for the past century or so (including old media that exists within the datasets). The bourgeoisie is just going to increase the unemployed labor pool until civilization collapses. These bazinga brained lunatics and their anemic businesses that refuse to retain any workers, layoff millions, and force their skeleton departments to work at gunpoint somehow believe this current system will survive once they starve the proletariat off and replace them with energy guzzling AI that isn't capable of doing most of the jobs it is shoved into.
Death to America and the West. I can't wait for its collapse.
I played Dai Nam, watched other people play Dai Nam, watched hours of Generalist Gaming guides on YouTube, read forums, read the wiki, and did a whole lot of save scumming to figure the game out. It took me months to beat my first game (I think I became 10th or 11th in rank).
Playing Paradox Grand Strategy games take a lot of dedication. It's essentially the equivalent effort of learning your first programming language.
Also be aware that old advice for the game doesn't work anymore since MAPI (market access price impact) was introduced.