J_Edbear_Hoover [she/her]

  • 53 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2020


  • I simply recognize that the dominant culture in Islamic countries is misogynistic, homophobic and transphobic. And hell yes I'm anti-theist, but that is not "western". I'm fiercely anti-capitalist, anti-racist and anti-individualist, I'm as least western as they come. I'm definitely a chauvinist, but it's moral, not cultural. Also I explained exactly how a hijab others women and removes their agency, but I see you've chosen not to engage with that topic at all and instead decided to call me, a non-white person who wasn't raised in the hegemonic western culture a western chauvinist.

  • J_Edbear_Hoover [she/her]tothe_dunk_tank*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    They absolutely are being raped because of a hijab. It's indoctrination to a culture that others women and identifies them as less than. Women are devalued in the eyes of men and stripped on their agency and self esteem. It's a tool of the patriarchy and analogous to western rape culture.

  • Umm I literally said in my previous comment that yarmulkes and crosses should be banned.

    Liberalism has engendered this false value that "cultures" need to be respected and have some nebulous right to self determination, but how far should we take that? This is why a classless society is the only solution.

    Let's take this narrative and turn it on its head and place ourselves in an alternate history where the middle eastern peoples had gone on the offensive after the crusades. Now imagine the British Isles colonized by Muslims and Anglo immigrants to Arabic nations attempting to practice primae noctis amongst their own communities. Would the dominant culture be practicing "brown supremacy" because they pass laws outlawing this practice to protect citizens from rape? Are they engaged in cultural genocide because they are trying to restore agency to an underclass within an underclass? Stop acting like everything you associate with "white" culture is bad or you risk becoming an apologist for some pretty vile stuff.

  • J_Edbear_Hoover [she/her]tothe_dunk_tank*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Yes or no, is oppositiom to FGM cultural genocide? Also, for the last fucking time with you people, I'm not white. Just because my feminism agrees with this aspect of colonialism, doesn't make it wrong. The social values of Stalin's USSR are aligned with modern conservatives, does that make conservatism good or socialism bad? Or can we just agree that there is no commutative property of morality?

  • If a culture's survival is dependent on women wearing a garment to suppress the "uncontrollable" desires of men, that culture is probably not worth saving. Hijabs are bad and misogynistic, this law is bad and racist, these positions are not mutually exclusive. Is banning FGM cultural genocide?