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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 5th, 2021

  • KILL_YOUR_PARENTS [they/them]tonews110 in line, baby
    3 years ago

    I was typing out an huge explanation to your awful post but I realized it literally doesn't matter because I don't control the boats. It's funny and I don't give a shit that the neckbeard making 50k a year won't get their PS5 for awhile. We can't do anything about it anyways, get over yourself.

    Also "they need what's on that boat" lmao what, like insulin? That thing anyone working at Walmart already can't afford?

  • KILL_YOUR_PARENTS [they/them]tonews110 in line, baby
    3 years ago

    Oh noooooooo I won't get my stupid plastic garbage.

    Who cares, fuck this country. How do you hurt the working class more at this point? This isn't causing inflation, shit doesn't have to be more expensive (Wolff just had a fantastic video on the subject). It's just porky going for more money, they could choose to not raise prices. The only people this will hurt will be the people who can't get the slop on these boats and I hope they're hurt, and it'll lower profit further.

    This is what capitalism looks like coming apart at the seams. It isn't the roaving band of fash or whatever's being shoved into justice dems emails to get you to vote for the latest pro-cop """socialist""". I don't want shit on shelves at this point. If the choice is between keeping the country that just murdered a million people in their borders alone last year running or letting it finally break down, that's not our choice.

    You don't have to embrace the meteor, but it doesn't change the fact it's coming. You're getting the mutual ruination of the contending classes, as promised. Might as well enjoy yourself where you can.

  • They might ramp up rhetoric against anyone that's not white as a sheet, but major parts of the real economy already depended on undocumented, unprotected migrant labor. Combine that with a labor movement that's rapidly gaining steam and a crisis of profitably that can't be solved by trimming the fat like in the 70s (because there ain't shit to take), you're more likely to see immigration soften in an attempt to lower wages and bargaining power.

    The GOP might go slightly more further but it's important to keep in mind that the Trump presidency was basically what we would have got with Jeb! but funnier. The US is a tool of capital, and their priorities will always align with porky's demands.

  • KILL_YOUR_PARENTS [they/them]toart*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    The server has a ton of MB players across both games. Also play +R with us on Wednesdays

    I know there are other of you who are reading this, you're probably going to be able to find people who play your game and it's one of like, five places on the internet that isn't dogshit.

  • KILL_YOUR_PARENTS [they/them]toart*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Cheatbox player

    Now you've done it you freak shit. You've fucked up. You're being tracked by the grid. The eye in the sky is watching. We're coming for you. Prepare to hold brilliant wheel oki

    Also join the lgbt+ fighting game server.