Kefkassmile [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2022


  • I think I've been pretty fair actually. I tried to end the conversation numerous times and basically said "to each his own" and you kept trying to tell me how I was wrong for not caring about Elder Scrolls being made more accessible.

    I'll say it again. I like Morrowind enough (I liked it enough to try arguably the most boring build in the game and play through it, an archer build) i've actually put a couple hundred hours into it and I think if it's someone favorite Elder Scrolls that is a valid opinion to have. I just don't agree with condescension from Morrowind fans towards people who prefer Oblivion or Skyrim especially considering Morrowind isn't really all that deep to begin with. You like what you like man, I'm not telling you you're wrong. I just prefer Oblivion and Skyrim myself.

  • You win dude, it's not that important to me. I would only add that if you wish for a game like Morrowind, that it will probably never happen from Bethesda. You're probably better off looking at different studios if you want something that doesn't feel like Skyrim or Oblivion and is more akin to Daggerfall or Morrowind, as I firmly believe the farthest they will look back in their catalogue of games for inspiration is probably Oblivion. Or you can just wait on that Morrowind Remake that independent studio is putting together. Or replay Morrowind again I guess.

    Edit: I hope they do make another Morrowind Style game so that everyone's happy. I just doubt it's going to happen.

  • Chill, I thought you were the other guy who said Bethesda hasn't done anything good since Morrowind. I was mistaken, my bad.

    I personally don't think the Elder Scrolls series was ever some sort of Bastion of Western RPG mechanics to really bother me if some of the stuff was taken out to tailor towards a wider audience. That's me though, you like what you like and I like what I like. Aside from that man, I can't really think of anything worse than arguing back and forth about RPGS and video games on the internet. So I'm out, unless you want to discuss something different.

  • I don't know too many 10 year olds interested in Western RPGS in general, Call of Duty and Grand theft auto are more par for the course in that regard. Honestly a lot of the stuff removed from Morrowind I just considered to be superfluous besides stuff like Levitation. If I want something really really deep that's doesn't feel completely dated I would go play Planescape torment, hell for something even more modern Pillars of Eternity or Divnity Original Sin 2 would be better than Morrowind IMO.

    What was removed from Oblivion that made the game completely unplayable in comparison to Morrowind for you, if you don't mind me asking?

  • No, I'd argue Oblivion and Skyrim were pretty good in their own way Fallout 3 was good too, just not as good as New Vegas. It's cool if you don't like anything past Morrowind, but it's not the general consensus that they haven't made anything good since Morrowind. This is what grinds my gears about fans of morrowind (speaking of morrowind fans in general. not you in particular my dude) any acquiescence towards accessibility e is seen as an inherently bad thing to morrowind heads. I think there's degrees and they find a good balance with Oblivion and to a lesser degree Skyrim (which was pushing it, but still very good imo)

    TLDR acessiblity is not always bad, there is nuance.

    Not really a fan of Fallout 4 or 76 though they kind of just made them Farcry games in the fallout universe at that point.

    I like Morrowind enough my self I just find the writing and Mechanics dated and lackluster compared to later entries in the franchise. It gets irritating when you hear the "latest rumors" from an NPC in town and it turns out to be the same crap you've heard 50 times over from someone else.

  • No, I like bethesda too. Just their good games which I consider their stuff up to Skyrim to be pretty damn good. Skyrim is 10 out of 10 to me. Fallout 4 is where the quality really dropped off and id give that game like a 7 and Fallout 76 is pretty damn bad, i'd give it a 5 on a good day. I agree the people who excuse Bethesda and lick it's corporate boots and pay for micro transactions in Fallout 76 are partially enabling this anti-consumer behavior, the other part of it is just Bethesda being greedy and a corporation.

    I'm hoping Starfield is more like Morrowind and Oblivion in space and less like Fallout 4 in space if you catch my drift.