Kereru [he/him]

  • 17 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Sorry to hear that meow-hug

    So far in my tech bubble I haven't seen lay-offs explicitly due to AI, but there's been increasing usage of it to produce more content. So it's reducing the demand for contract writers and producers.

    Tech does seem cooked at the moment, but I assume that's mostly due to no more free money.

    I really wish Graeber was still here, I need the Bullshit Jobs vs AI synthesis.

  • I agree, I think this could work. Google already has featured snippets, this just feels like an extension to that. I'm pretty sure those snippets often screwed over the sites they were taken from too, because people read them but don't click through. But the AI summary ensures they get even less credit/ad revenue.

    Any high-value search terms and Google hides the summary. So you either get ads or AI slop for every search.