KollontaiWasRight [she/her,they/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2021


  • I'm trying to tease apart primary and secondary sources, which is a total pain in the ass and makes doing any useful research next to impossible. What I can see is a problem inherent to all regimes of a tension between law and practice, wherein the ways in which the law behaves seem to tail the law itself. That said, because everything in English comes from dogshit sources, I can't tell what's real and what's shit. And my dive into Japanese sources was worse and gave me a headache.

  • It is. I've been trying to chase down any actual laws on succession, and it appears that the hereditary status of head of state is informally accomplished through the position of Suryong (and lets be clear that the great man theory of Suryong is fucked up as hell and not communist in the slightest, regardless of how heredity itself is related to it) determining inheritance, but even that is not made legally apparent. Not that one can swing a stick at English sources without finding either western academics or NGOs saying what law contains without quoting the law. Japanese sources are, predictably, worse.

  • I mean, the 10 Rules say that the revolution will be lead by Kim Il Sung's family. What more do you need?

    '''The great revolutionary accomplishments pioneered by the Great Leader Comrade KIM Il Sung must be succeeded and perfected by hereditary succession until the end. The firm establishment of the sole leadership system is the crucial assurance for the preservation and development of the Great leader's revolutionary accomplishments, while achieving the final victory of the revolution. '''