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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2024

  • LarmyOfLone@lemm.eetofediverseTankieTube Official Launch
    8 hours ago

    Just some random thoughts:
    It would be nice if firefox would support encoding to av1. Then the user could handle the upload conversion. Or maybe have a special app for peertube uploaders.
    And then you could just use a (cheaper?) seedbox to boost the video hosting instead of a dedicated server.

  • LarmyOfLone@lemm.eetomemesEndorsements just keep pouring in
    16 hours ago

    My interpretation of these stories is that it's meant for republicans.

    It certainly sucks hearing these shitheads endorse Kamela as a sane person. These psychos are trying to rehabilitate themselves. But republicans seem to be mostly influenced by "their authorities" not by argument. So to beat Trump, this is probably a good strategy.

  • LarmyOfLone@lemm.eetoantifascismEcofascism Primer
    4 days ago

    promoted the idea that the distribution of contraceptives was the most effective way to fight poverty

    I do believe access to free contraception and morning after pill should be a universal human right. The idea is not eco-fascist just because of crimes of corporations.

    I oppose this deep green resistance and anarcho primitivism stuff. Nature is cruel and problems and solutions to civilizations are complex. I suspect they imagine a kind of return to a hobbit like existence in an idyllic shire with food forests, but with the current population levels this is not possible in most of the world. In the USA there is still enough land for such primitivism to be possibly feasible, because they stole a whole continent. So advocating this as a recipe to the rest of the "old world" is doubly imperialist and stupid. It would also not work because someone would re-industrialize.

    Probably the whole environmental movement gets biased through capitalist propaganda. With the right system earths sustainable carrying capacity could be even higher than 10 billions. But discussing alternative systems is not allowed, or degrowth or socialism or land distribution or city planning. Not even obvious things like circular economy are widely discussed in the mainstream or social media. Because all of that is suppressed but the problems are fundamental, we get this weird fringe stuff.

    Basically a strategy of capitalism to suppress environmental concerns is to promote radical and amoral ideology to create opposition and funnel energy away.

    My own ideas are based on solarpunk and collapse...

    I imagine building cubic apartment towers surrounded by miles of agricultural land and food forests, so people can live in nature in cheap "luxury" apartments but with a very small environmental footprint. Grow food right on your doorstep, use genetic engineering to improve nutrition and yield without needing big industrial agricultural machines. You only need about 500m² (1/8 acre) to produce enough calories per person. Engineer plants that produce biofuels and ingredients for composites and building materials. Workshops that can produce bicycles and bigger cargo quadricycles and recycle metals. Basically a small mostly self sufficient socialist kibbutz that is connected to the next "archology" apartment tower via underground rail tunnels so that most land can be rewilded.

    Our current civilization is just incredibly inefficient and stupid, and ecofascists use that to justify inhuman ideas.

  • It's scary how quickly the world changed since ~2010. Extremists like that guy you can find in any country, but they have become more and more accepted in our own liberal democracies. Partially boosted for polarization and ratings, or "for the lulz" in memes because they are oh so extreme and to be made fun of, now this shit has become common and almost mainstream in our liberal democracies.

    Now even "lefties" in the west don't blink an eye at this type of extremist in Ukraine. Fucking brainwashing and doublethink. Even if the fascists loose at the poll they win to change society.

  • the dust bowl to see where this is all going.

    Yeah I know but thanks for the links. No question it will get bad, but it will be worse almost everywhere else in the world. The US has much more land compared to the population than it's rivals.

    In the extreme you only need about 90000 km² arable land (~ size of Indiana) to grow enough potatoes to feed the entirety of the US (napkin math). The area of France could feed the entire world population. Today we have insane amount of "calorie waste" growing luxury foods like beef and almonds and chocolate and overfishing. So there is a lot of buffer for calories, even with soil degradation.

    My point is this: Starvation won't be an existential threat to the US. Two oceans provide a lot of security, and options for geopolitical strategies. The only thing that can destroy the US is the US itself. Or nuclear war.

    While conflicts and collapse of global trade could easily make starvation an existential threat or "threat multiplier" for Europe, India and China. And many other countries on their large and porous borders.

  • Yeah true, but producing enough basic calories to feed their own population will never be a problem for the US. And they are engaging in protectionism. As long as the US doesn't disintegrate into civil war, this advantage of their geographic location and size remains.

    So yeah the best strategy for China is to remain friendly and non-aggressive and maintain minimal economic stability for their neighbors. And try to increase economic and social instability and dependence in the US. But you see how the US is poking the bear and now china, they want the instability. And Europe, Russia, China and India at each others throats.

    So if / when there is a gradual collapse of our global civilization, the US could switch fully to that strategy and just continue to destabilize and start proxy wars all around the world rather cheaply.

    I don't know about Mexico, but there are studies that large parts of India could become literally uninhabitable with too high wet bulb temperatures. After that you can image the talk about "Living space in the north" in Siberia. Plus many other places and large cities near the rising oceans. How can there not be endless conflict spilling out and through the many porous borders.

    It's painful to consider, but I don't see the US "loosing" except for civil war or nuclear war. They will have massive problems but they just have to loose less quickly than the rest of the world.

  • With climate change being inevitable now and leading to more and more catastrophes, massive refugee streams and conflict and wars, the USA is in a unique position with only two borders to friendly countries and two oceans effectively protecting them. Especially after the oil that fuel big warships becomes too scarce.

    Of course it's speculation how exactly this will play out, but I believe Europe, Africa, India, China, Russia will all be embroiled in the "climate wars" while the US can continue to snipe from their big continent.

    The only thing they really have to do is weaken their opponents and then draw back and avoid being drawn into a nuclear war. Then they win by default.

    PS: Of course having high tech chip manufacturing is essential to that.

  • What I think is missing is a kind of signed database version control system. So you make a list of data (maybe just a markdown table) and you sign it wiht a private key and put that in a DHT / distributed hashtable. Then people can use that and you can update the database / list. People can also fork this list, add their own stuff and distribute it as their own and signed with their own private key. And you could have pull requests and merge back good additions. All without requiring proper servers but possibly benefiting from being hosted on a seedbox.

    And of course a simple client to find and view such lists.

    Ideally you'd have some template that describes typical metadata for a kind of distribute movie database, but also books, subtitles, songs, albums, articles, scientific papers, fonts. But you can also fork the templates and extend them. So you might have a perfectly legit open source database of movies with links to what legit streaming service is selling it, and then an extra template that extends that with magnet releases.

    I have never seen something like this though, my puny brain has trouble imagining the technical hurdles. Maybe this could just be done with a simple version control system client. I think torrent V2 also has some extensions that allow update-able torrents (which some FUD confused with this being the default). Or maybe it's that proper web pages allow people to make money through advertising.

  • Good argument but if the guy uploading it would be in another country this law couldn't be enforced. Basically it's an unenforceable standard. To insist on enforcing it could lead to draconian measures.

    The article mentions upload filters but that then again create a large burden. This burden requires more work or more money. Which leads to a centralization or monopolization of the internet. Which would be in the interest of social media corporation who can shoulder the burden.

    In the future the ethical issues of porn could be solved by investing in and creating a near perfect AI porn model that can serve all our removed needs WITHOUT requiring humans to take their clothes off. Basically ethically sourced synthetic "vegan" porn that is created for your on demand in your own home. And then you can ban all the real porn because the demand for it will plummet. Of course there will still be people who get off on the abuse instead of on the fantasy.

  • LarmyOfLone@lemm.eetoComics@lemmy.mlSuperhero shows be like
    11 days ago

    The actual superhero/blockbuster/action/thriller propaganda is that problems are always caused by a few bad apples. But there is no spoiling the bunch. Once the newspaper and honorable elder governmentals get wind of it all is return to the good old status quo.

    That is the real problem - that we learned to not question the rules of the system that lead to negative outcomes. That rules and conditions that make negative outcomes all but inevitable.

    Of course debating the financing of institutions and bylaws that impact socioeconomic policies would make for an awfully dull superhero movie!