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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • LordBelphegor@lemm.eetomemesFreedom.jpeg
    10 months ago

    Lol the great firewall of China totally doesnt monitor your private chats and censors them live.

    Sometimes ya'll are a parody.

    inb4 whataboutism, i dont condone US surveillance but it stills pales in comparison to that done by the CCP.

  • LordBelphegor@lemm.eetochapotraphouseAverage anti-tankie
    11 months ago

    Fascists and tankies are the same to me, neither have voting rights and both want to eradicate minority cultures. Only wanting a homogeneous societies.

    Im a socialist myself, but CCP ideology just means only a few people get to stay in power just like feudal lords.