Mr PoopyButthole

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • If you've actually watched the series, which had a definitive ending written before production, then you know the major theme of the show is mental health.

    You'd also know that the main character's endlessly chipper attitude is revealed to be a coping mechanism passed on by his mom after his dad committed suicide.

    Some people out here be reading into shit they haven't seen like they're my 8th grade English teacher pretending they understand the alcoholic mind of a famous author that's been dead for 50 years.

  • I want to combat all the people saying "um, actually things are getting better"

    What they mean to say is "The largely meaningless or deliberately misleading metrics the government uses to make its own report card say things are going great!"

    Everybody keeps talking about how the "economy" is so strong. That just means the stock market is doing well and owners of capital are happy.

    Meanwhile, the US has the highest rate of homelessness in its recorded history. Worth noting that the way numbers are reported for things like homelessness, unemployment, and the like are very intentionally designed to under-report.

    Local, state, and federal government all have a long history of changing the method of reporting/calculating those metrics during a term in office so they can say "unemployment dropped 30% under my watch!" When all they really did was not count 30% of the people previously counted.

    Yes, wages are finally rising, and it has nothing to do with the government. It's entirely the work of unions and organization of labor to raise wages, and it's still got a long way to go.

    The best thing that anyone can do is vote for better representation at every opportunity.

    The best thing that not everyone can do is talk to a doctor if you have signs of depression or other mental illness. Yes, it's possible to have those things brought on by circumstance, and no, that doesn't mean you don't have to do anything about it.

    If you can't afford doctor's visits like that, look up non-profit health care organizations. You may be lucky enough to have real, free Healthcare options available through places like Good Samaritan.

    And don't forget to let yourself acknowledge the REAL progress of the world. We're seeing rapid development and insight on treatments for cancers, dementia, new vaccines, renewable tech, and computational efficiency.

    There are many broken systems to overcome, but even still there are incredible humans building the foundations for an incredible future if we keep working at it. Maybe we can help make sure Gen Alpha gets a fair shot.

  • In a long dumb story I once went to jail over a speeding ticket that was a day late.

    The two cops couldn't believe they had to arrest me for it and the jail was so backed up I was there for four days.

    I was still a teenager and terrified, but I put on a face and told every joke I'd ever heard to get by. My last morning there My bunkmate found me so entertaining he offered me a free prostitute, which I had to very politely decline.

  • Based on my recent experiences in Ohio, I would think so!

    I consistently see every kind of person there. Last year I saw a young woman in an absolutely wild dragon cosplay with stilt-like heels with hooves on them, storm troopers, some medieval drag, and a man wearing jeans and an Infowars t-shirt all in the same place.

    Never seen a fight or even angry words, everybody is usually there to have a good time and be weird.

    Only fair to note that I'm a tall white guy, so milage may vary.

  • I've been raving mad about this exact shit for years.

    I'm not a developer, but I remember how long pre-smartphone would last with little 500mAh batteries. Even after 3g and into 4g connectivity and well after the proliferation of less efficient Bluetooth a phone would last anywhere from 3-14 days between charging.

    Now every phone has 3,000-4,000mAh batteries and, besides 5g, the wireless standards have become significantly more efficient.

    The only notable offset is the big touch screens, but even those have gotten more efficient, and seems not to matter because standby time is still trash now too.

    I doubt there's a continous A/V feed to servers, but 100% our phones are always listening for keywords/phrases locally and then sending "relevant" data back for ads, on top of the always on location tracking.

    It's hilarious that phones cost as much as they do, considering how unwieldy and low screen-time they've become, on top of the idea that we're paying to be tracked.