NATO_phobe [he/him]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023

  • Christianity is currently dominant because it flirts with worldly power, It's not really Christianity at all. I call it Unironic Satanism: the worship of capital, military, imperialism, police, politicians, and reactionary institutions. So, in a sense Original Christianity is essentially dead. Nietzsche wasn't wrong when he said, "God is dead and we have killed him... Who gave us the sponge with which to wipe the horizon from the sky?" This is the state of our current world. We have committed the ultimate blasphemy collectively. We have defiled the sacred and buried it away, all because life is painful and unjust. Who could believe in a God when there is so much vast suffering and unimaginable injustice? It's not even a question for many.

    Also, the current form of reactionary Christianity in the West is a fantasy death cult, whereby reactionaries can retreat into a fantasy about apocalypse and rapture that will finally wipe away all of the sin and pain from the world. Sorry pal, that aint happening. We were given intelligence and resources to save ourselves. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil is not a survival strategy, it's the most evil form of ignorance.

  • You're right about the OT. I thought some theologians had reasoned that Soddom and Gommorah were destroyed because of rape and violence, but maybe that's not true? Im not a fan of the OT anyway, but it does have important stories in it. But you're right about the condoning of genocide, slavery, etc. Like when Noah condemns his son Lot to 5 generations of slavery. That's just evil. So, in my confusion with the OT God who seems to make mistakes and blame us for them, I really like to stick to what Jesus said in the Gospels. What do you think this disconnect between the OT and NT means?

  • Dawkins is a reactionary who doesn't understand basic evopsych. He doesn't even believe in epigenetic factors affecting gene expression. Further, Dawkins has never addressed any type of Christianity besides a childish cartoonish caricature of fundamentalism, which none of us here ascribe to. Also, I'd like to point out that the word "homosexuality" was edited into the Bible; it replaced the word "pedophilia." Jesus doesn't hate gay people. But coming here to call us cringe says you're probably young, so just consider that you might not know everything comrade.

  • IMO the main reason the church has spectacularly failed is because the true and revolutionary message of Christ has been utterly inverted into Unironic Satanism; the worship of capital, military, police, politicians, and state institutions. Reminds me of a quote from Nietzsche (I know cringe, but bear with me): "As soon as a religion becomes dominant, it has at once as its enemies those who would have been its first followers." Now, what does this mean? It means that Christianity was never meant to be a mainstream religion, it is a slave religion for the oppressed and a tool to escape the shackles of oppression. It was never meant to intermingle with those in the heights of worldly power. The coopting of Christianity by Emperor Constantine of Rome was the worst thing that could've ever happened to Jesus' message. Christianity was never meant to be imposed on other or used as a nationalist symbol. Just as Lenin spoke of revolutionaries and how reactionaries would dull their message and soften their image, and present that image to the people to appease them (think of MLK).

    I found what I think is the true nature of the original church in rehab of all places. The culture of my 30-day rehab was one of acceptance and understanding. There were people from all walks of life and class, but we were all brought low by addiction, rendering us equal in sin. It produced a humility and openness that doesn't exist in the outside world. I believe the sacrament of Confession was originally meant to be like sharing in AA or NA. We admit our sins to each other, not to a priest. In this way, the rehab culture reminded me of a socialist society and God I miss it so much. It was the only time I ever really felt apart of something. Anyway, We need to build a new church, yes we need a reformation and it will be a fight against the reactionaries who will call us false Christians, but didn't Jesus fight the Pharisees? It is our duty now to denounce all reactionary Christians as what they are: Pharisees.

  • Now, Im a libertarian socialist and I don't support Nazism, BUT the brave Nazis in Ukraine are OUR Nazis, defending the children from Vladolph Putler and his imperialist war! Also, to the tankies, quit whinging about imperialism. That's all I hear is tankies talking about imperialism. it's weird! It's almost like they're trying to make a connection between capitalism and imperialism, but I don't see it. Must be Russian Propaganda. Vote Blue! #Bidenomics #SlavaUkraini #Leftism

  • NATO_phobe [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankpeak crakkker cope
    1 year ago

    This. Nazi ideology is a manifestation of human self-destruction; autogenocide. The great game isn't over until everyone dies. Only then is it over. American Nazism as expressed through CIA and NATO is a little more pragmatic than German Nazism, as American Nazism allows token minorities and pick-me's to join the movement to shield themselves from bigotry accusations. However, the goal of American Nazism with Liberal Characteristics(tm) is exactly the same; the extermination of all life in service of the inhuman force of capital compelling us to our doom. I think this ideology can safely be called Absolute or Radical Evil.

  • NATO_phobe [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankpeak crakkker cope
    1 year ago

    I never thought about the mass rape... JFC slavery has gotta be the most brutal practice ever. it's almost worse than just killing them, in fact it is. I hate the US and its self-righteousness, its fake Christianity, its fake democracy, its unfreedom, and most of all its apathy.

  • NATO_phobe [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankpeak crakkker cope
    1 year ago

    American Nazism is so cowardly. Like, just dress up in scary black uniforms like the Germans and let us know you are and what you believe, so that we know our enemy. Can you imagine going into a People's War against people like that? We would win in 3 days lmao

  • This. And you cannot convince these Evangelicals and mega-church people that what they're supporting is wrong. It's even impossible for me to relate to my Christian family members, one of my cousins listens to fucking Joel Osteen vomits profusely. And as you say, these people see the suffering of the poor as divine justice for irresponsibility or whatever is evil and cruel. They have forgotten the lesson of the Good Samaritan. They are like the Rabbis who just walked on past the man dying in the street. What's also wild is how capitalism literally promotes the same values the Bible describes the devil having, and our whole society and fabricated pop culture pushes neoliberal propaganda on kids. Meanwhile, in school we tell the kids to be kind, courteous, honest, etc. but when they grow up and realize the world doesn't work that way, they get cynical and decide to take what they can in this dog-eat-dog system. I just wish Christians like us had a real voice in society so people would know we don't stand for injustice, bigotry, and war like the fundamentalists do. Anyway, sorry for rambling but I get really passionate about this lol

  • It's disgusting. I went to my grandma's church a year ago or so and the pastor literally told us all to pray for: The fucking military... the fucking police... and the fucking politicians... yet we didn't pray for the poor or the war-torn or the suffering homeless population.. Like wtf. This isn't Christianity, this is unironic Satanism lol. Everyone worships the capitalist state. I jut don't know what is to be done about the state of the church. We need a reformation or something smh..