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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I was on a Microsoft systems admin/engineer path for a while and an opportunity opened for a KVM/XEN engineer and I was the one only person in my office to accept the offer. That was back in the RHEL/CentOS 4 days.

    After playing around a bit I got hooked and haven't gone back down the MS path since then.

  • I have worked in the auto industry for years and you are 100% correct. If you are white collar you basically get hammered with "UAW = bad". Talk of joining the UAW or starting a union is severely frowned upon. Before the last round of layoffs there was a lot of talk about forming a union. Haven't heard from those people since. Most were let go for poor performance or just left. Seems like management was able to squash the white collar union talk, well until shit like this comes up

  • I have 2 places like that near me. Both aren't 24/7 but no one knows anything about how the stores are run. One is a cafe and the other is a gelato shop.

    You would think the gelato shop would be busy during the summer but there are always 3-4 guys chain smoking in front of the shop. It is so bad they had to put a walled off section in front of the shop to keep the smoke from going to the neighboring stores. So pretty sure it is a front for something