OlSnazzleRazzle [xey/xem]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2022


  • There's a super interesting text called Splatter Capital by Mark Steven that talks about this! The author explores horror films and how they track as cultural touchstones for the rot of neoliberal capitalism. The last section of the book focuses on torture porn (examples discussed include Hostel, Human Centipede, Saw, etc) as part of the de-industrialization of the US, outsourcing labor, globalization, etc. honestly I'm drawing a blank cause it's been a while, but it was solid analysis.

    Highly recommend!

  • OlSnazzleRazzle [xey/xem]tomemesThe moral side of murder
    2 years ago

    funny story, the pom company is owned by some of the sickest scumfuck amerikkkan bourgeoisie, actively pushing for worsening relations w iran, so that they can reap the profits from sanctions


  • Been feeling extremely isolated and touch starved. To be honest, mostly due to not confronting my anxieties head-on, but trying to chip away at them.

    I could probably find a queer scene on local dating apps, but also I still have a lot of internalized misogyny that i'm afraid of alienating others with or something.

    Someday i will be the thot of my dreams