The wheel, the steam engine, the lightbulb, the aeroplane.
Marvels of engineering to be sure, but all were put to shame when Otto Frederick Rohwedder (blessed be his name) invented the first single loaf bread-slicing machine.
No longer would man suffer the long indignity of having to slice their own bread!
It proved instantly influential and in a few short years 80% of the bread sold in the United States was sliced!

Unfortunately, like all true visionary undertakings, the forces of reactions would soon emerge in a vain attempt to halt man's progress and in XV Annus Panis Nostri Quod Est Divisa a ban would be placed on the product.
U.S. officials cited "war time conservation measured" but the brave people of the land quickly rose up in outcry and the ban was rescinded.

Today people from all around the world are free and able to enjoy the bounty of bread that is already sliced.

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Foundations of Leninism :USSR:

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

Anarchism and Other Essays :ancom:

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  • JamesConeZone [they/them]
    2 years ago

    It is still so wild to me that in the 2000s, like everyone just went wild for torture porn movies. Especially suburban Christians with that godawful passion of the christ movie. It is equally wild to me that ultraviolence waned for a bit and made a massive resurengece with GoT with the added bonus of

    content warning

    Sexual assault. See also Big Little Lies and domestic abuse.

    I legitimately don't know why this happened. Did the violence of the Iraq war fuck everyone up? Is that why shock jocks were a thing too? Anyway, because I'm an abuse survivor, I couldn't fucking watch movies for a decade and now I can't watch most TV shows without having a panic attack because of GoT's success.

    Enter my new phase: playing every paper Mario made :sicko-yes:

    • OlSnazzleRazzle [xey/xem]
      2 years ago

      There's a super interesting text called Splatter Capital by Mark Steven that talks about this! The author explores horror films and how they track as cultural touchstones for the rot of neoliberal capitalism. The last section of the book focuses on torture porn (examples discussed include Hostel, Human Centipede, Saw, etc) as part of the de-industrialization of the US, outsourcing labor, globalization, etc. honestly I'm drawing a blank cause it's been a while, but it was solid analysis.

      Highly recommend!

    • Wmill [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I also recommend paper mario pro. It's a rom hack that makes things harder but I liked it despite some visual bugs.

    • riley
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator