Paynomind [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2020


  • That is usually true, but that is only healthy for the capitalists who want people to be confused. The parties have their own needs, and one of those needs is winning enough spots to stay relevant and winning enough spots so that everyone in the party has a job in the PMC make work project that is the DNC.

    The Democrats may have found a way to maintain the balance of technically being in power without being blamed by enough of their base to matter.

    Instead of swapping the presidency or the house the Senate will be where the switching occurs every few years.

  • This is probably going to happen. I know alot of people don't think it will, but HR 1 will literally make it so that Democrats have to do almost nothing to have a majority in the house forever and the presidency. Then they can purposely flop a senate race or two, and still claim to have no power. It's a win for the party more than for any individual politician which is why it'll pass.

  • Paynomind [he/him]tomemesI am about to become the joker
    3 years ago

    Guys please chill. There was an article that came out that said Biden was getting gassed up because he felt that he was starting to be seen as more progressive than Obama. So, people started joking around about they should pretend Biden is cool to make him do more cool things. Like "Oh wow Joe bet you're not cool enough to get rid of the filibuster lol".

    TL;DR: it's kind of a bit

  • They're trying to own conservatives. They know that if they make Republicans vote on giving cops medals their base's instinct is to want the cops to get medals, but they can't vote to give these specific cops medals because they tried to keep the base out of the capitol. I think it might work because their base is hogs, and they hate comprehending anything. So these guys are going to have their vote split between the Republicans and the Patriot party, letting Dems get elected with no effort.

  • I guess it's a matter of if you're a "heighten the contradictions at any cost" kind of guy. I personally don't see how not voting for Biden keeps me, a citizen of the heart of the global capitalist empire with gallons of blood on my hands from my consumption habits, a better socialist. My soul isn't clean, and I wasn't using it anyway.

  • It'd be pretty easy. "Folks, this is the greatest country in the world, and we need to demonstrate that! Anyone who wants to become an American, and any nation that become part of America should have the ability to do so. Welcoming more people into our fold will strengthen us and strengthen them. Through the divinely inspired concept of solidarity, we will liberate the working class in a global America. One nation and one class under God!

  • Paynomind [he/him]tomainYang saying....... a true thing?!
    4 years ago

    Be careful with phrases like this. Remember "cultural issues" in America are: I should be able murder black people with impunity, beat the gay out of my son, and marry the 16 year old baby sitter after I knock her up. We shouldn't give up either the "cultural issues" or the material improvements to working people's lives.

  • Vaush once tried to be uber edgy and make the argument that capitalists would be more morally consistent if they accepted child porn because they accept child slavery and abuse in the production of most of their products, and that socialism was better because it is against the abuse of children required for child slavery and CP.

    I don't know about Ben though.