PigPoopBallsDotJPG [none/use name]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2020


  • Being able to swim when stationed on a ship sounds way more useful than it actually is. In a 'man overboard' situation, it doesn't help you much, you get fucked by the inertia of a massive ship that can't just turn around and pick you up. By the time they manage to turn around the ship, the real problem is actually finding you. Even if you're an excellent swimmer, your chances of survival are very low.

  • The sad thing is, this isn't even a shocking up-set. The Netherlands has been flirting with right-wing populists ever since the rise of Pim Fortuyn. And PVV was already getting a significant number of seats in previous elections. The balance was now just slightly changed because the neoliberal right in the form of VVD fucked up governing so hard that a fair number of liberal votes that used to go to them ended up getting split between neoliberal center-right (NSC) and neoliberal center-left (GL-PvDA).

    In somewhat better news, other chud-adjacent parties (FvD, BBB) also didn't really perform well. Which means any extreme agenda items PVV may have aren't going to survive a coalition.