Quiche [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2021

  • Does “callout” imply that I think this narrative is intentional or malicious coming from hexbear? Because I do not.

    Can it be both? I’m frustrated that off-site behavior is having an effect on on-site behavior but I don’t think anyone here is genuinely against the poor? I was curious if anyone else was worried that this could be co-opted to paint poor people as stupid because of the actions of a few chuds. If the deaths really are less than toaster deaths for ivermectin how does that compare to the hundreds of thousands that lose their lives to lack of affordable healthcare?

    Can that small harm be used to justify magnifying the big harm? Historically America has done this for less. I guess all of it is pretty moot because ideally no one would have to resort to animal medication. But with Biden in office we aren’t going to see that change. I’m concerned about the changes we could see and how they could get us closer to greater harm.

    I know hexbear has no large effect as an isolated community. But the actions we take individually outside of this website can have a greater impact. I guess I just chose this void to yell into because I thought it would listen.

  • You’re creating a straw man out of my argument.

    We should focus more on people who take animal medication out of necessity (like for diabetes or bacterial infections) than we do on people who take it out of stupidity. I’m not here to defend some chud’s right to die I’m here to make a case that this could hinder someone’s right to live in the future.

    It also says a lot about how effective this narrative is that me bringing it up here makes me instantly read as being pro-chud when I’ve only ever brought up my concern from the angle of the harm it could do to the poor. The thing I’m concerned about is “hey I think dunking on animal meds as a whole makes it hard to have a constructive conversation about why people historically turn to animal meds”

  • I’m conflating them because when I search for news on people taking animal antibiotics and insulin I’m confronted with articles that only focus on the evils ivermectin. The only articles I can find showing any sympathy to people on animal antibiotics and insulin is before the pandemic hit. If normal people aren’t exposed to something that questions the narrative they will take the one presented to them and run with it. Right now that presented narrative is “animal medicine is for rich chuds” and that erases the experience of a marginalized population to focus on dunking on a privileged one.

  • I know why you’re dunking on the ivermectin fools but I’m asking if that could have any unintended consequences when the narrative tries to take “animal medication is for idiots” to it’s next logical step which could end up blocking medication access for at risk individuals.

    Notice how nowhere in any of my posts have I defended ivermectin or the people that take it. I’m fully vaxxed and frankly don’t give a shit about ivermectin in the slightest. I’m merely speaking as someone who had been poor enough to be forced to take animal medication before this pandemic hit. The way people talk about humans taking animal meds has changed considerably in the last few years.

  • I’m not doing that at all. Before the pandemic news articles about people taking animal medications were heavily focused on poor people’s lack of access to affordable healthcare. I’m just pointing out how convenient it is that now it’s about rich chuds and being anti-vax. In 2016 the news was about creating sympathy for those that couldn’t afford the right meds but now when the news talks about animal medication it only does so to demonize ivermectin. It ignores the people that still rely on things like pig insulin and dog antibiotics. Why could that be? People that can’t afford insulin and antibiotics didn’t just disappear.

  • I never said the memes were anti-homeless. I merely think we should consider the narrative a meme that says “animal meds are for idiots” says vs “ivermectin isn’t for covid” or even “ivermectin is for idiots” if you really gotta call someone stupid.

    If Merck really cared about liability they would pull their drug from the market while waiting for the fad to pass. The fact that they haven’t tells me they’re probably already protected from liability from the warnings on their labels. Just like any other medication/vaccine. Rn they’re just collecting the check.

  • This isn’t just a “take” though, the media has shifted to heavily criticizing animal meds and the people who take them. We’re just regurgitating it for memes. In 2016 they were reporting on people using animal medicine off label too but it was allowed to be framed from a “these people are poor and have no option” perspective. Those people still exist but now their stories are being ignored and hampered by this ivermectin trend. Now animal meds=anti-Vax to neoliberals where as before it meant someone too poor to afford medicine.

    You really don’t see how a media narrative effects the way our laws are written? Is manufacturing consent a lie or something?

  • I’m not gonna trust the reactionary racist western media’s translation of a Chinese law. The media can’t even describe critical race theory accurately and that’s in English. Why TF would I expect the empire to have tact when talking about the policy actions of their latest invasion target?

    And even if it were true, I’m more concerned with the children we have in cages at our border rn. I’m more concerned with the Genocide we’re enabling in Yemen by providing weapons to the saudis. I’m more concerned with the Genocide we’re enabling in our home country against the poor by how we bungled COVID.

    This news story is just like all others about China. It’s America air bending blame away from itself.

  • Quiche [they/them]tothe_dunk_tank❤️
    3 years ago

    They aren’t pressed. Ben and Jerry’s still does business with Israel as they have since 1987. This is free advertising because Israel is making money off B&Js

  • Quiche [they/them]tothe_dunk_tankCoincidence? I think not.
    3 years ago

    In less than 24 hours I’ve seen some variation of this story on hexbear at least 3 times. I’m probably just terminally online and this is just hexbear’s infatuation with easy to meme “news” stories and has nothing to do with free ice cream advertising. Carry on.

  • Quiche [they/them]tothe_dunk_tankCoincidence? I think not.
    3 years ago

    Their parent company is gonna make millions for Israel off of this fake PR scheme and for some reason people on this website keep posting “le epic corporation” memes

    They’re trying to turn justice into a brand so they can sell it to us. Why do you think the high profile pro Israel people like this dick cheese and Ben Shapiro immediately started posting “I’m boycotting it” ? Because whenever they boycott something the sales go up. Ben and Jerry’s was working in occupied Palestine since 1987, before the acquisition. And these articles even state they have no intention of pulling business out of Israel just the ones that give them bad PR in Palestine.

    Please be wary of any “political” action by a corporation whose goal it is to inspire you to buy something.

  • Probably, you can support imperialism sometimes and good takes other times. Lotsa people do it. They also pay their workers better afaik but I also know there were people calling attention to their factory and licensee in Israel during the strikes and calling for a boycott. Now when you try to google it all that comes up is this news story.