RedHungarian [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2021

  • Venezuela’s National Academy of Medicine in a statement late on Monday said Carvativir “has therapeutic potential against coronavirus.”

    “Nonetheless, it is prudent to wait for more data from the Carvativir tests ... to consider it a candidate for an anti-COVID-19 medication,” reads the statement.

    Maduro was far too enthusiastic about an experimental treatment, so now we need to cancel him and PSUV (the only socialist organization of any significance in Venezuela) and join the right-wing opposition in amplifying attacks against a US regime change target.

  • Many actual Marxist economists and scholars including Michael Roberts, David Kotz, Zhonglin Li, Lijun Su, Junshang Liang, Guglielmo Carchedi, and Minqi Li have shown that China is not an imperialist country in a Marxist sense.

    The flawed Maoist concept of "social-imperialism" and its application to China relies on the controversial argument that the Soviet Union after Stalin was "social-imperialist" and capitalist which is something other Marxists overwhelmingly reject. Modern Maoists/Gonzolists argue that there were only 3 true socialist countries (Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China from the disastrous Great Leap Forward to 1978, and Hoxha's Albania) with the rest of the socialist world being actually capitalist countries that are either revisionist "social imperialists" (they argue post-Stalin Soviet Union and modern China) or revisionist comprador capitalist states of the "social imperialists" (the rest of the Eastern bloc, Cuba, DPRK, Vietnam, Laos, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Venezuela, and every other socialist state in history). These Maoists consider Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, Evo Morales, Chavez, Maduro, Ortega, Kim Jong-il, Kim Jong-un, Kim Il-sung, past leaders of Warsaw Pact countries, and virtually every other leader of past and current socialist governments to be revisionist traitors and capitalist compradors.

    They only support a handful of Maoist parties in the world that they consider to be true socialists like the Shining Path, CPI (Maoist), and the CPP. Many of these Maoist parties have a history of being extremely sectarian and have engaged in murdering rival communists that they consider revisionists. This is a great and well-sourced video on the history of the Shining Path (which is something that Paul Morrin has become an apologist for) that was instrumental in the development of modern Maoism. Its leader Chairman Gonzalo considered Cuba "an advanced bourgeois state".

  • It appears that the Rider's League was basically acting like an independent union and independent unions have historically been opposed by Marxist-Leninist governments (Solidarity in the Polish People's Republic being one of the rare examples of an independent union within a ML state and its unfortunate outcome likely hasn't helped improve the reputation of independent union activity in the minds of many ML government officials. Cuba also discourages independent labor union activity). The ACFTU is the official party-affiliated union in China and is still undergoing a process of reform. It can still be pretty inefficient with only recently beginning to recruit large numbers of delivery workers and has secured only fairly minor gains so far for delivery workers, hence the presence of some independent labor organizing. Hopefully, this can get resolved effectively.