That must be why mobile and discriminating populations choose to move to China.
That must be why mobile and discriminating populations choose to move to China.
Never give up the domain. I've let several go that I wish I still had. They only get more valuable, like real estate.
Have you tried explosive diarrhea? You will.
I love my kids, but if I hadn't had them, I'd have a lot more money, and less stress from having not quite enough money and lots of responsibility.
Don't let other people or societal expectations pressure you into the decision either way. Do what you think will work best for you.
The real reason: Apple intentionally doesn't support the open protocols that send pics and videos to non-Apple devices. These protocols are a decade old and work great. They use a proprietary protocol instead, which they will not share with other phone manufacturers.
What the average iPhone user thinks: Apple is better than Android!
It's pretty dumb.
If Firefox works for you, I'd recommend it. I could make a huge list of my subjective pros and cons, but who cares what I think?
The most important thing is that I'd recommend getting off Chrome, because Google is attempting to use their market position to make the internet worse for users. Try all the alternatives and see which one you like.
Recession: A period during which economic activity, as measured by gross domestic product, declines for at least two quarters in a row.
The first problem with what you're saying is that you think a recession is some kind of prediction. It's not. It's a measurement of the prior 2 quarters. By definition, it can only be declared for time that already passed.
The second problem with what you're saying is that you think it is a measurement of quality of life, cost of living, or wages. It's not. By definition, it's a measurement of GDP.
I'm not trying to say that I think the economy is good or that people feel good about it. Those are things that have words to describe them, but not the word "recession". By understanding the terminology and using the right words, we can all be on the same page and solve problems.
A recession is a word with a specific economic definition and measurement.
It sounds like you're saying that if people feel like there's a recession, it should be called one. That's not a good idea.
heh. This reminds me of electric cars. I've been happily driving one for 9 years.
Lots of people online and in person tell me "Electric cars aren't there yet. They won't work." Well, you must be correct then. I just handed down my first EV to my kid and bought a second one.
Because we'd rather eat something else.
Back in the day, I used to grab any piece of paper, and then walk around the entire office with a slightly angry and urgent look on my face as if I was going to talk to someone important. Do a lap. Back to your desk. Job done.
Dell Latitude 5000 series are usually bought by corporations for employees. They are made of sturdy metal, and have features like backlit keyboards and physical trackpad buttons. Then, after 2-3 years, or if they have some minor problem, they end up in a giant stack that either never gets diagnosed, or just gets sent to recycling.
I have had fantastic luck getting a couple of these either direct from the company I'm working for, or from ebay or a company that recycles laptops. They usually don't actually have a problem, and if they do, parts are readily available on ebay. You can end up with a high-spec laptop from just a few years ago for practically nothing.
Oh good. Because if there's a profile of my advertising preferences out there, it knows that when I am forced to view an ad, I look away from the screen, turn off the volume, sigh dramatically, and say "Fuck <this product> right in the ass."
Personalize away.
I got an idea.
Aggressively develop and move everything to non-fossil fuel technology. Share that technology with the rest of the world. Then, boom: Iran loses 70% of it's GDP, and everyone wins without any shots fired.
This was happening to some extent 10-12 years ago when I first signed up for Facebook. There would be an ad for Target and it would say "Your friend Jimmy Smith likes Target". And then I'd ask Jimmy if he follows the Target account on Facebook, and he'd say hell no.
This always seemed shady as fuck, and that was before Facebook got much much worse.
Americans continuing to buy things that they can't afford is why prices keep going up. If people buy it, it tells the seller that the price is correct.
So many of my iPhone fan friends have said "Oh, you finally made the switch, you're going to love it" after I recently bought my first iPhone.
It's a phone. It did not magically transform my user experience. It's 95% similar to what I had on a Pixel. Better low-effort privacy. Better direct hardware access for music and video. Significantly more lag, app freezups, and fragility and some baffling user experience decisions.
I would switch back again, or not, doesn't matter.
I talked to a business leader yesterday who said that their outsourced overseas developers were not performing well, so they were planning to directly contract some overseas developers, because then they would be "captive". And he proceed to refer to them as "captive developers" for the rest of the conversation.
Sir, you should not refer to people who work for you as "captive". That has a very negative connotation, and I'm shocked you don't hear it. Please at least notice everyone else's reaction when you say it.
I heard that motherfucker had like… 30 god damned dicks.
It's not just a breach you have to worry about. Credit agencies actively monetize your financial data by selling it to anyone who wants it. You didn't give it to them, you didn't authorize it, they collect it and they sell it.