Most communists don't bother making a distinction between Liberals and conservative Liberals. They're just libs.
Most communists don't bother making a distinction between Liberals and conservative Liberals. They're just libs.
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You're a menace in the spider community today. They're probably talking about you, destroyer of homes.
Theres nothing stopping them from using prison slave labour to rebuild. Thats what they're there for. And california just voted to keep slavery.
California was never a desert until the colonizers arrived. They drained the lakes and made it what it is.
If we tried, which we won't, it'd trigger an amerikan invasion. Klanada is not a sovereign country. Ffs its not even a real country lmao
Isn't he just the new Ray Kurzwell or whatever his name was, at this point? Just someone so afraid of death because their culture is so nhilistic that they hope for eternal life through technology?
Yeah, she lost in a historic fashion. Like, embarrassingly bad. And her sycophants are just like, "its opposite day!"
amerika is already coming out and saying it was a bird strike. How a bird strike to the engines affects the landing gear is beyond me
theoretically adavanced proletariat, which is also very hard to get
The real reason why amerikans are illiterate.
Yeah, the only uprising in amerika will be a reactionary one not a revolutionary one.
Its because Yemen shot it down. This is how amerika launders its losses.
This "drone" shit thats obviously planes is really confirming that repeated covid infections cause brain damage.
damn it's short
Well, yeah, the cops only had so much time to write it on the drive to the mcdonalds
Thats what living in a Death Cult gets ya
Russia showed that being sanctioned by amerika is ultimately a good thing in the long term. Its not like China isn't just waiting with open arms to trade with all these countries.
He'd need the bourgeoisie to sign off and tariffs on mexico and kanada would crash the amerika economy overnight. Trump doesn't understand how tariffs work.
she said the more likely outcome would be free-market pressures driving retailers to lower their prices. "
Libs won't understand, but anyone paying attention knows thats bullshit. Just like the Privatization myth, its gonna get more expensive.
and then rapidly become the exact thing they claim to hate.
I'll say it again, a lib is just a closteted fascist, a conservative lib has already opened the door. Libs don't need much provocation to open the door and threaten to step out.
One on a different instance? amerika is not great, and never will be.