damn it's short
Well, yeah, the cops only had so much time to write it on the drive to the mcdonalds
damn it's short
Well, yeah, the cops only had so much time to write it on the drive to the mcdonalds
Thats what living in a Death Cult gets ya
Russia showed that being sanctioned by amerika is ultimately a good thing in the long term. Its not like China isn't just waiting with open arms to trade with all these countries.
He'd need the bourgeoisie to sign off and tariffs on mexico and kanada would crash the amerika economy overnight. Trump doesn't understand how tariffs work.
she said the more likely outcome would be free-market pressures driving retailers to lower their prices. "
Libs won't understand, but anyone paying attention knows thats bullshit. Just like the Privatization myth, its gonna get more expensive.
and then rapidly become the exact thing they claim to hate.
I'll say it again, a lib is just a closteted fascist, a conservative lib has already opened the door. Libs don't need much provocation to open the door and threaten to step out.
It'd be cold too. Cold mcdonalds fries are nasty
Each one of these people hate liberals,
They are just confused liberals themselves. Self hating fools who've been tricked by rich parasites to punch down. Remind them they're libs too, its hilarious
with conservatism being essentially another branch of liberalism.
It's literally Conservative Liberalism. They just leave off the liberalism part to make people believe it's something entirely different so they think they have a choice at the ballot box.
Right? Like all these cabinet positions is getting my hopes up that there will be no amerika in 2028 so no more election shit to hear about
Exaclty. The worst thing he did was be uncouth. He wasn't civil. He said the quiet parts out loud. I've yet to have a lib tell me why he was so bad that wasn't a variation on, "he wasn't civil".
Idk but the plague doctor look better make a comeback. Shit slaps
Liberals are so fuckin mad about Trump that they're taking it out on the commies
Are you new? Not joking or trying to be mean, but history shows very clearly that libs will become/side with fascists over us every time.
Dems are fascist too.
That's how they always felt. Libs are not allies. They are closeted fascists ready to step out at the drop of a hat.
So, you'll stop making fascist propaganda cause the fascist you don't like won?
Whatever mod deleted this is a coward. Nobody should stay with abusive/toxic people just cause they're "family". Abuse apologist.
This "drone" shit thats obviously planes is really confirming that repeated covid infections cause brain damage.