nate j robinson has entered chat
nate j robinson has entered chat
is this emote of him or no?
if yes, we now have emote for make fun of all white sex pest lolol
I wonder why country plague by 100+ year of imperialist drug pushers (heroin and opium) hate organized drug dealing? clearly this is same as american yankee material conditions. I am very smart american yankee
The Stalinist Communist Party of the Philippines
oh that is cool name let me just check name on google…
oh, you mean “stalinist” as in insult? okay stupid nerd
the sources are from WSWS which is not considered the most reputable here given the other material they put out there
what other material they put out? i honestly have not heard this
when you definitely know what cult is
Even because someone family, does not mean they are not rat bastard
why still many insisting monkeypox is gay virus? Monkeypox is pansexual or omnisexual if anything
I have great uncle who was purged. My grandfather said he deserved it, great uncle was a “careerist”.
Imagine if you could remove clout chasers and brown nosers from power? Society would be better
this cannot be ignored. balkan womens are tankies
very clear this guy is “not mad” and has not been corncobbed
how are americans so bad at reading? your country have all the money
no, this would require modesty
this is satire why are americans so bad at reading
source for this? I find nothing but also am drunk
this only emote of Hoxha? embarrassing for site
yankee moment