• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • LoL.. Russia does not need help from anyone for that. Stick some contractniki in an Pantsir with minimal training and you get what you get.

    Underestimating the Russian army would be foolish and Ukraine does not seem to do that. The harsh reality is visible for them every day. Plans change.. From 3 days to Kiev to forever war for example.

    I just thought it was funny to see a Pantsir not being ganked by a 400 dollar drone for a change.

  • Dat is natuurlijk het princiepe achter verzekering en solidariteit.

    We betalen allemaal om de mensen die pech hebben het leven makkelijker te maken. Dat gezeur over kosten gaat volledig voorbij aan het feit dat ziek zijn echt heeeeeeeel heftig is.

    Ondertussen hebben we een heel scala aan grote commerciële zorgverzekeraars, administratie clubs etc die winst genoeg maken om monster salarissen te betale.

    Aangevuld met commerciële zorg bureaus en prive klinieken, waar de winst tegen de plinten omhoog klotst omdat die heel gericht zorg aanbieden en alle verlieslatende behandelingen aan het ziekenhuis over laten.

    Dit is gewoon weer een bijl aan de poot van het solidariteits princiepe.

  • But Comrad, that makes no sense. You focus on one of the options while there are other munitions available. And even if so.. it's welcome regardless.

    You tell me to cope harder while making fun of a serious issue. Russia is devastating a country because of geopolitical games where they want Ukrainians to be vassals to a brutal regime that denies they are their own people with their own culture.

    All help is something and trying to sway the public opinion by diminishing the efforts of others only prolongs the war and suffering of the Russians at the front and the Ukranians as a whole.

    Maybe you should be putting your energy into fighting for the Ukranians to live their lives in peace and choose their own destiny.