Wendy_Pleakley [he/him, they/them]

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2024


  • But for real, how are you supposed to do stuff when everything causes you to freak out and need somebody? I've gone so long without someone to confide in that the need washes over me instantly.

    People always say I'm hard to help, that I don't accept help. But now that I'm in complete atrophy, I can't move forward in my life, and the doors are wide open, people are even less willing to help. I thought people would rise to an opportunity to answer the call of a friend in need but truly idk anymore

    Or maybe everyone but me has the answer. It seems like it many days

  • I get so overwhelmed.

    I don't know if I believe that people can keep themselves organized. It genuinely seems impossible without a second person aware to be aware of me and cognizant of my issues and habits.

    Like, every time a situation happens I just have to fucking figure it out. I don't have that best friend who will listen no matter what and always knows what to say.

    Tbh I kind of assume that everyone else does have someone, and I missed the Friend Deadline so that's why nobody chooses me

  • Damn. I don't know if I have any reason to reach out.

    I feel really let down and for the last few years everyone has just assumed I'm fine, and a boy. Part of me wants to transition to spite everyone, convince them that they were wrong not to look deeper.

    I thought I was closer to those people. I used to do so much for other people, and then I got burnt out. I didn't think I had to beg for reciprocation. So I didn't. And everyone left 😐

    So I still feel like I'm at a deficit, because all these people took and never gave. Like, when do I get back, so that I can give again without resentment? Is this how anything works?

  • Is it normal to have people forget that you came out to them?

    I always thought that coming out would yield more openness, like, "I want you to know about me, and I want to know about you".

    I have no people I talk to regularly, the only former classmates have pretty much stopped reaching out after I came out to them. I'm scared to text anybody first but would happily respond if someone messaged me, like, damn. Like, how would I pick someone and what would I say to them? I need to plan what to say

    I'm having fun reading about Lost Child Syndrome and realizing I'm completely fffffucked and may never have friends. Like, I don't think people think about friends the way that I do. You have to be stressed and work to make your friends like you. Anything easier than that is literal magic. It's not fun. Who said having friends is fun?

  • I genuinely don't know how people get better after trauma forces them to self isolate. If you don't have someone who loves you enough to recognize your patterns, aren't you doomed without sufficient evidence to change?

    Edit: Low-key I feel like most people do have a one singular person that they can turn to about everything. I don't and it's agonizing. Maybe everyone on earth has someone to confide in already, could explain the blank stares I get everywhere I try to talk about this stuff

    I don't know how to reconcile what I perceive as the failing of my support system. To me, the fact that we lost touch is at all is a sign that the friendships weren't what I thought they were. Because the conversation doesn't end, not between friends. If it ends, that means something happened. But nobody on the opposite end thought me going quiet was a sign that I wasn't okay, or that I was losing the will to live.

    Maybe I'm alone in these thoughts and that's why nobody responds

  • For me it starts to feel manipulative, like I don't want a genuine connection, I just want someone that will text me back. And I realize that that's not fair, so I feel guilty and don't text anyone. It feels like making any move would be acting on this evil selfishness of "no, look at ME", but also hiding from my friends is selfish too?

    EDIT: and also the minute they text back the process completely starts over, and I'm like, what the fuck do I say, did I want to talk to them, do they like me, and it just continues until I can't respond because I'm so overwhelmed

  • I feel like I'm discovering this year that I just don't understand friendship.

    overthinking everything

    Like, for me it has always been a logical thing. I hang out with people in my vicinity. If nobody is in my vicinity, I don't hang out, and I assume it's because nobody wants to. I don't reach out a ton because I don't feel like I have a good reason to just hit up somebody who I have no idea what they think of me at this point. They only really reach out when they need stuff from me.

    At the same time, I never stopped caring about these people, I just didn't really know what to say. I had hard times and when I told people, there grew distance. And now that I feel more like myself, I don't know how to go back. It doesn't feel like it makes any sense, because in my view the silence means they don't want to talk. It still does.

    But how do I like, start again? Do I just have random one-off conversations until someone decides to stick around? I feel like it's easier to make friends if you already have a friend, which is not a situation I'm in. I literally message zero people, and don't know how to turn that into a non-zero. I don't trust a one-off conversation to not fizzle out, I want to be able to guarantee that it'll lead somewhere.

    Idk. I start school next week, and am hopeful, but I continue to not fully understand my problems

    Comforted by the silence I guess

  • The wonders of my brain persist


    I've been pacing around in my room for like 4 hours. I need to take my medicine but I need to eat first, but I have no appetite because I'm obsessing over why my friendships fell apart and did I expect too much and is anything too much to expect from anyone. Did I waste time hoping that my parents were invested in me figuring anything out? I thought people notice people and talk to them about things that they do and things that happen. If I move out tomorrow, my Dad will legit forget I lived here. It feels like everyone I knew forgot about me. It's not great.